Page 27 of Leo, My Partner

I didn’t expect to sleep as well as I did with someone else. I’ve never slept in a bed with another person. All my hookups were at their place, and I left as soon as I busted a nut.

But that’s not the case with Tyshawn. The sun breaking through the thin curtains wakes me up a little after dawn, and I didn’t realize how much rest I needed until I got more than four hours. I can function fine with that amount of sleep, but I have to admit that I feel better and more rested having slept longer.

During the night, Ty and I separated, and when I open my eyes, I’m greeted with the sight of him on his side, facing me. His hands are tucked under his head, soft breaths leaving his mouth.

Gorgeous isn’t a strong enough word to describe him. Ty is fucking radiant. Everything about him draws me in, making me want more.

Having never been with a man means nothing now. Especially since I’ve stuffed his mouth full of my cock and had his at the back of my throat. It’s him as a person that drew me in. That and the persistent feeling that says he belongs to me.

With a soft hand, I brush over the stubble on his face, the light hairs pricking my fingers. I think about how he looked with makeup when we went on our date, and my cock stirs. It’s not something I thought I would be into until I saw it on Ty. How the highlighter on his cheeks seemed to light up his brown skin, making it look smooth and vibrant. The mascara made his eyes pop, the blue and brown irises shining as he peered up at me, a gentle smile on his glossy lips.

God, that image will live rent-free in my head. Hopefully, there will be many more dates and memories I can get with his face painted up just for me.

As I’ve been enjoying doing, I ghost my thumb over his bottom lip, loving how soft it is. Touching him is becoming my new favorite hobby.

He stirs, slowly blinking his eyes open. Ty smiles as I thumb over his lip, gazing at me with sleepy eyes. “Good morning, Leo.”

“Morning, kotenok. How did you sleep?”

“Good. What time is it?”

I shrug, still rubbing over his lip. “Maybe seven. Not too long after dawn. I’m used to being up much earlier. But sleeping beside you relaxed me.”

Ty searches my face. “Is that a bad thing?”

“No. I liked it.” I pull Ty to me until he’s lying on my chest. “I don’t feel about a lot of things, but when I’m with you, I feel things very acutely. Blu told me it could happen, that our diagnosis isn’t cookie-cutter. We’re not supposed to feel much of anything, devoid of happiness, sadness, fear, and guilt. But I think with you around, that won’t be the case. I can be … human.”

“You are human,” he mutters. “Maybe not what society would call normal, but you are. I’ll convince you of it one day.”

Smiling, I kiss him gently. “Thank you, kotenok. What is it about you?”

“I could ask you that.” Ty sits up and stretches, his undershirt pulling tightly against his body. I reach up and stroke his chest, my hand drifting down his tight belly. He glances at me with a grin. “We’re going to look for him today, right?”

Nodding, I sit up and wrap an arm around his waist. Ty leans his head against my chest, his soft hand rubbing between my pecs.

“Yep. After we find him, we’ll start to make a plan for how we’re going to get him. Do you have any ideas of what you want to happen?”

Ty shrugs, blowing out a shuddering breath. “I don’t know, but I want him to hurt. Bad. I want his last moments to be spent in agony.”

That leaves a lot that I can do. Before I killed Ralph, I longed to find a mark I could torture before I killed them. Now, I could have two in a row. That thought makes the blood sing in my veins.

I nod. “I can do that.” Pulling him away from me, I tip his head up so he can look in my eyes when he answers. “Do you want to be the one who kills him? You want to land the final blow?”

Wide-eyed, Ty stares at me. “Me? I wouldn’t know how.”

“I can show you.”

“Show me? How would you … like train me? To kill Michael?”

“If you want. Or I can do it all myself, and you can make sure it’s done. Up to you.”

“Can I think about it?”

Kissing his forehead, I say, “Of course, kotenok. We can get started on finding him now. We’ll make a plan when we have his location.”

He looks shaky, but his eyes are steely, so I know he’s still in this, even if he’s frightened about the actual murder.

After kissing him once more, I tug him out of bed and get the shower going for him. While he’s showering, I cook him breakfast, a hot plate of bacon, eggs, and waffles in front of him by the time he exits the room.