“A man who has every reason to want to change the past,” Rehn mused. He felt like pieces of a puzzle were finally falling into place.

“And what better way to change the past than forcing a sorceress to do it for him? Particularly one who may be skilled in time manipulation?”

Idris and Rehn smiled at each other as if they were sharing a very subtle secret between themselves. But the bigger picture was too wide to ignore. It was obvious to Rehn that Altair was their number one suspect: a man convinced he knew a better path forward than anyone else. And would use Leila and her powers to force that change to happen.

“You did well, Idris. As always,” Rehn said. He scratched at his chin and walked across the floor toward his advisor. “We’ll let the tracing sorceress do her work in the prison, and find what she can. But I have a feeling our questioning of Altair will be much more fruitful.”

“I look forward to this little chat, sir,” Idris replied as he opened the bedroom door and escorted his king outside.



Leila rushed out into the courtyard of the castle, seeing her friend and colleague from the academy, Chaniel, ride through the gates flanked by Rehn’s royal guards. Chaniel held herself with the dignity Leila would expect as her horse trotted toward the stables. She sat straight backed with a dark traveling cloak wrapped around her square shoulders and a cascade of auburn curls halfway down her back but Leila knew the woman too well. She saw the pinched expression on her face.

Chaniel never enjoyed riding. She’d have preferred a coach for travel, Leila knew, so she could read on the journey. Rehn needed a magic tracker quickly though, so poor Chaniel had to ride.

That pinched look on her face turned into a bright smile as Leila rushed closer. Chaniel waved before one of the royal guards assisted her off her mare. She dusted off her traveling cloak and shook her head before moving toward Leila.

“Leila, you are a sight for my travel-weary eyes,” Chaniel said, pulling Leila into an embrace. “The Sorcerer’s Academy is abuzz with rumors about you, my dear. All sorts of fanciful tales.”

“I am happy you are here,” Leila said, pulling back to look at her good friend, then she frowned. “Rumors? How many have you been spreading?”

Chaniel sucked in a breath, mouth and eyes wide with mock offense. As much as Leila liked the woman and enjoyed her company, if there was a rumor whispered in the academy, Chaniel either started it or knew who did. In either case, she adored spreading them more than most.

“You can’t blame people for asking questions, can you?” Chaniel tilted her head, giving a slight smile. “The king of all people arrives at the academy and leaves soon after taking you with him, not even a good-bye to your old friend? And here you are in the castle, dressed like a lady. You even have a… bodyguard.”

Leila smoothed the skirt of her dress. It wasn’t fancy, not by the standards of the castle, but much closer to the simple woolen clothes common at the academy. One came there to study and research, not for fashion. Leila grinned but felt her cheeks burn. Yaldred stepped beside her and waved to Chaniel, her smile mischievous.

“I’m Yaldred, Lady Leila’s handmaiden,” she said.

“Handmaiden?” Chaniel’s brows rose. “And here I discounted that rumor as just romantic claptrap.”

“What rumor?” Leila braced for it.

“Why, that the king fell madly in love with you at first sight, whisking you away to marry you,” Chaniel said.

Yaldred burst into a chuckle. Chaniel joined her while Leila stayed silent. What she and Rehn had been up to in the king’s chambers were about the last things she’d share with her gossip-loving friend.

“I know, it is such a ridiculous rumor,” Chaniel said when she recovered. “I have to assume you are here for the same reason as me, to aid the king.”

“That’s right. This case is very important to Re… I mean, the king,” Leila replied.

The other woman’s brows rose at her misstep. Claiming she’d been brought to help the investigation since Chaniel was here for the same purpose. Using the king’s first name displayed a level of familiarity that would have the rumor mill at the academy buzzing about her even more than Chaniel certainly had them already.

“With your future sight, I could imagine you would be an asset to… the king’s investigation.” Chaniel hadn’t missed her slip-up, all the more reason for Leila to watch her tongue and not allude to anything going on between her and Rehn.

Leila didn’t want her to be a target of the conspiracy Chaniel came here to help investigate either. No reason to have that whispered about at the Sorcerer’s Academy by the time Leila returned, if she ever got to return. Exciting as her time in the castle and especially with Rehn had been, she missed her old home, plain and simple as it was.

As if summoned by her thoughts, Rehn and Idris stepped out of the main keep’s doors and started toward them. Chaniel dusted her travel cloak again and stood taller. She plastered on a smile, intent on impressing the king and his advisor. Rehn would see through such a façade, Leila knew. His bear would sniff it out.

When Rehn neared, his impassive face cracked as he nodded to Leila. She felt her friend from the academy’s eyes on her at that greeting and here she tried to stop the rumors. Idris stepped beside Yaldred, bumping her shoulder and getting a bump back. Rehn gave Chaniel a slight nod.

“You are the magic tracker, yes?” he said in lieu of greeting.

“Chaniel, Your Majesty.” She curtsied, holding her travel cloak out to the side. “My specialty is in discerning magical signatures. I understand that is why you requested my help.”

“Yes, exactly.” Rehn nodded, then his eyes darted to the royal guard’s tower. “Come. We should waste no time. I want you to read the scene of the prison break, then examine the artifacts I’ve collected from every sorcerer in the kingdom.”