Phoenix’s superficial veil drops for the first time on this trip and his cheeks flush pale pink.

”Who wants to go swimming?” He shifts into reverse. Stretching his bare belly peeking under his white crop top—labeled ‘twink’ in hot pink script across his chest—he ruffles Eli’s ginger spikes with a wink.

Eli blushes.

“I’ll go.” Brendon figures putting a bit of distance between him and Matthew will chill the steamy thoughts plaguing his mind.

“I’m going with!” Robbie rises from his seat and prances into the house, returning with an arm full of rolled beach towels and propping sunglasses onto his nose. “Let’s stroll down that yellow brick road gentlemen.”

Phoenix rolls his eyes and smirks, spinning up off his chair and tapping his bare heels together.

“We’ll come too.” Jamie pulls Nathan to his feet.

They meander in pairs. Robbie tugs Brendon’s sleeve to hold them back until there's a comfortable distance to whisper privately.

“So—How was your night?” He’s boiling with anticipation.

“Meh—” Brendon wrinkles his face but can’t hold the façade for long. “It was amazing,” he blurts.

Robbie bubbles over and bites back a squeal. “I knew it would happen!” He puffs out his chest. “You and Matty.” He grins.

Brendon’s mood shifts as the distance between his and Matthew’s lives dawns on him.

A breeze tickles the treetops and a collective of birds sing from their perches overhead.

Robbie hums the melody to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” until they reach the tiny beach.

Phoenix strips away his twink top and lime side-split shorts, exposing a barely-there hot pink speedo. He drags Eli toward the water as he’s trying to pull off his t-shirt.

Nathan kisses Jamie’s cheek and kicks off his flip flops, dropping his top on the mossy tree before shuffling after the boys. Robbie sits at the edge of the water wriggling his toes in the wake.

Jamie plops down next to Brendon on the tree bench.

“Not going in?” Brendon claps moss from his palms.

“No—ooo!” Jamie coils. “This body stays covered at all times.” He waves his arms over his jeans and black t-shirt.

They sit silently for some time, watching the others frolic in the water. Nathan beams back between dips, checking that Jamie is still there.

“He really adores you,” Brendon notes.

“He better—I uprooted my life for him.” Jamie chuckles. His crooked grin pinches his dimpled cheek.

“Really?” Brendon shades his eyes from the sun.

“Mhmm. I moved to Portland a few years after high school and had just been waiting tables and existing, but life was comfortable.” He sweeps a fallen pine needle off his knee. “Now I live in an RV with that beautiful man and a little stray cat. We’ve seen almost a dozen states so far.” His eyes sparkle.

”Sounds dreamy.” Brendon smiles.

“It really is.” He can’t take his eyes off Nathan. “I always wanted to travel and just never did. Now I’ll be moving to a new place every time his work contract changes.”

“What does he do?”

“Travel nurse.” Jamie crosses his ankles. “He’s been all over the place. We’re headed to Vermont after this.”

“That’s fantastic!”

“So—you and Matthew?” Jamie shifts the conversation. “I heard Robbie squeal. He whispers at full volume.”