The group crawls out of the Yukon, stretching their backs and limbs before they march toward the store entrance.
“We’re like a pride parade.” Phoenix’s uncertain eyes scan the rustic property. “Are we safe here?” He tugs down the hem of his crop top.
“You're good, doll,” Dennis assures. “The owners are a lesbian couple. Maine is far more relaxed than Georgia, even way out here in the boondocks.”
Robbie hops the two steps up onto a weathered plank porch and pulls the creaking screen door open, jingling a bell, announcing their arrival. “Ladies first.” He giggles, waving everyone through.
Matthew flanks the opposite side of the entrance, waiting for the crew to enter ahead of him. He slips in before Robbie, letting the door spring shut behind them.
The interior smells of fresh baked goods. Two long shelving units split the floor into three narrow aisles with a scattering of wooden barrels, hollowed into makeshift display units. Each holds wicker baskets filled with vegetables, labeled with hand-written note cards stating the names of local farms that provide the bounty.
“Welcome gentlemen.” The pretty brunette in a white tank top behind the counter smiles, wiping her hands on a flour-smeared forest green apron wrapping her waist.
“Hello,” Robbie speaks for the group.
A short, curly-haired blonde steps into view, away from the sink she's filling to wash dishes. “You boys back for the fourth?” she asks Dennis and Robbie.
“We sure are.” Robbie smiles, peering up at a chalkboard menu hung above the counter.
“You all go browse and grab whatever you'd like,” Dennis instructs. He turns his attention back to the ladies and starts listing off an order that might include the entire menu.
Brendon leads Phoenix and Matthew down the far left aisle of the store toward a wall of beverage fridges at the back. Matthew scoops up a bag of salt and vinegar chips along the way.
“Straight to the hips Matty.” Phoenix teases with a wink.
“These hips are on vacation,” Matthew tosses back.
The trio stare into the glass doors, perusing limited choices of popular brand beverages.
Phoenix steps back, drinking in Brendon from the side of his eye.
Matthew giggles as he leans in to collect a cola, nudging the mesmerized twink with an elbow before twirling back toward the front. He pauses at the wall of candy, trying to decide on the most delicious treat.
Brendon joins him and they both reach for the last bag of red licorice. “Oh—sorry.” He pulls back.
“No no. It's all yours.” Matthew grabs miniature peanut butter cups instead.
“Those are a great choice too.” Brendon flashes a smile at the strawberry-blonde hunk.
“We can share,” Matthew grins.
“That's a deal.” Brendon wings the edge of a brow flirtatiously.
Phoenix catches up, lugging a bulk case of hard ciders and a bottle of spring water.
“Straight to the hips, Phoenix.” Matthew points at the booze.
“Mmm—let's hope so,” he murmurs, winking at Brendon.
His cheeks burn as red as the licorice clutched to his chest. He follows Matthew toward the checkout with pretty little Phoenix flip-flopping behind.
“Don’t mind him,” Matthew says with a laugh. “He’s mostly harmless.”
Eli peers over the shelves from the next aisle, shyly studying the bronzed twink he's smitten with.
Matthew walks up to the cash register, followed by Brendon, Phoenix, and Eli, and they all place their goods on the counter.
Dennis passes the curly blonde cashier a credit card and turns to them. “Grab us a picnic table outside. We’ll eat here and then head to the cabin.”