“Almost. Eli texted that he’s running a little late.” Robbie answers. “He was getting his grandparents settled before he left, but he’ll be right along.” He lifts the top of the stacked coolers.
Phoenix leads the parade, pulling his metallic lavender suitcase behind him, strutting out the door, and straight up to Brendon at the center of the paved driveway. He lifts his aviators atop his head and holds a hand out to greet the tall dark drink of water. “Brendon. I’m Phoenix.” His pheromones jet from his pores.
“Morning Brendo.” Robbie taps the key fob, remotely lifting the tailgate of the massive white SUV.
“Morning.” Brendon’s neck flushes pink as he tries to reclaim his hand from Phoenix, making eye contact with everyone whose attention is focused on him.
Matthew helps Dennis carry the larger cooler while dragging his suitcase. They load everything into the rear of the vehicle.
Dennis carefully packs everyone’s luggage in a tight order, wrapping bungee cords around the bundle to secure them in place.
The grumbling of a patchwork Toyota sedan pulls up to the curb. Its brakes let out a pained squeal as it stops.
“There’s Eli.” Robbie elbows Phoenix’s rib. “Our chunky little cub has had quite the glow up the past few months.” He waves to the redhead teen climbing out of the ugly clunker.
Matthew reaches out to shake Brendon’s hand. “Matthew,” he says, smiling.
“Nice to meet you.”
Brendon’s pinched green eyes twinkle when his cheeks lift over a broad pearly smile. His firm hand is slightly dewy. There’s a nervous tension flowing through him like electricity. For a moment Matthew is captivated by the slim dark stranger.
“Good morning Eli.” Dennis gathers his duffle bag and tucks it into the bungee cords with the rest of the luggage.
Eli’s pale cheeks are bright pink, his thick ginger hair gelled into carefully positioned spikes sweeping to his left. There’s no sign the trim boy was ever a chunky cub. He’s carved quite the chiseled figure in a short time.
Matthew offers to shake the boy’s quivering hand. Eli's doe brown eyes focus on Phoenix before finally lifting to meet his gaze.
“Hey, Eli. I’m Matthew—that’s Phoenix,” he says with a giggle.
“Nice to meet you, Matthew.” Eli pulls his hand away and shyly offers it to the chiseled blond twink.
“Hi.” Phoenix is dismissive, ogling Brendon, standing awkwardly with both hands stuffed into khaki pockets.
“Alright,” Robbie claps. “Let’s roll.” He twirls the keys around his finger and marches to the driver’s door, climbing in and firing up the beast.
Dennis slips into the front passenger’s side. “The cat sitter is all set?” Dennis checks with Robbie.
“Yes. She’s coming by after she gets out of work. I gave her the key yesterday when she stopped by the restaurant.”
Perry and Phoenix settle into the first back row of seats. Eli follows behind, loading into the third row from the opposite side of the SUV. Matthew ushers Brendon ahead of him with a hand on the low slope of his back, climbing into the second row.
Brendon’s phone vibrates in his shorts pocket. He faintly groans at the sight of the sender. Pressing the sleep button and tucking the device back away, he smiles awkwardly at Matthew. “Damn telemarketers.”
Matthew smiles. “They never give up.” He buckles the seatbelt across his waist.
“No—they don’t.” Brendon turns to face out the window as the Yukon backs into the street and shifts forward, toward the gated entrance of the housing development.
Robbie steers the vehicle into a strip mall parking lot and stops near the coffee shop on wheels. The white and black checkered cargo truck has decals painted in teal and fuschia along both sides, with a cartoon chicken dressed in 1950s-era greaser fashion, crowing the words “Twisted Rooster” at a big yellow sun. Turning around in his seat, Robbie peers down at the notes app on his cell phone, preparing to take down their orders. “What does everyone want?”
“You know my usual,” Dennis states.
“Iced soy matcha latte with two pumps of sugar-free blueberry, if they have it.’’ Phoenix recites, “Perry does a hot Americano with zero calorie sweetener.” He maintains his role as a personal assistant, even on vacation.
Perry nods in agreement.
Matthew looks to Brendon with a gentle smirk, inviting him to order first.