Chapter 1
“Waiter!” The brassy blonde’s shrill voice bellows over a symphony of chatter and clanging silverware. The sea of diners snap to attention toward the vociferous diva. Her bony talons dangle an empty wine glass above the six-top she reigns over. She looks down her nose, delighted at being the interruptor of everyone’s focus for the moment.
Brendon is in the middle of taking table twelve’s orders but panders an awkward smile, flagging an index finger to signal he’ll be with her soon.
Her saccharine expression sours. A botox-tight scowl and stacked-lash glare signal she’s not pleased. He’s intimately familiar with her sort, having been a card-carrying member of that pretentious world only months ago. He doesn’t miss it at all.
He takes his time getting back to her party, meandering through another section and greeting diners that aren’t his to tend, defiantly lingering at the bar to deliver drink orders to the beautiful bartender, Sebastian. He glugs a long haul of water before finally stepping up to the table, where no one acknowledges his presence. A silent punishment for making them wait. He’ll give them to the count of ten before he walks away.
As he reaches seven, the harpy cackles at her own humor and taps the rim of her flute with a hot pink stiletto nail. The rust-tanned silver daddy at her side, eyes Brendon up and down with the raised edge of a sculpted brow, nodding a pithy command at the bottle sitting just inches from the empty glass. Unbelievable.
He blinks away an eye roll and pours, moving around the table to refill everyone’s glass.
The bald queen sporting a Tiffany blue cashmere sweater draped and knotted over his shoulders, wedges a hand between Brendon’s knees and squeezes his inner thigh.
“Excuse me?” He steps back, scolding him with a sharp glare.
The intoxicated queen smirks, raising his shoulders with wide glazed eyes. The entire party halts their conversation to hone in on Brendon's outburst.
“Is there a problem?” the bleached harpy shrills, then waves her contemptuous claw. “Pour the wine.”
He slams the bottle down on the table. A splash erupts from its neck, throwing a crimson splatter across the white linen.
“Wher is your manager?” She rises in her seat, puffing out her augmented breasts. Collagen-stuffed lips pinch with fury.
“Just a moment—I’ll get her for you,” he snarks and stomps away.
Petra pushes through the kitchen doors. Just who he’s looking for.
“Her Highness at table seven would like a word with you,” he growls. “Watch out for the bald one. He can’t keep his hands to himself.”
Her brow furrows. Auntie mode engaged. She stalks across the dining room. A lioness defending her cub.
Brendon slips past the swinging doors, clenching his fists. He takes a deep breath and exhales through pursed lips. His shoulders drop and the tension gripping his body loosens.
“You, okay?” Dennis notices.
“Shitty customers.” He dismisses the incident. They’re not even the true catalyst of his stress. “Petra is handling them.”
Dennis peeks through a gap in the doors to the dining room. “Looks like they’re paying their bill and clearing out.”
“Good.” Brendon whips. “Sorry—“ he shakes his head.
“Don’t be.” Dennis squeezes his shoulder. “I’m sorry.” He pulls him in for a bear hug.
Brendon melts into the burly mound of man. The heat off Dennis’ body washes over him like the hot shower he wished he had this morning. “Thanks, Papa Bear.”
“A week at the cabin is going to be great. I think we all need the time away.” Dennis has a sixth sense but doesn’t pry. Brendon appreciates that.
“I’m so ready for it!” He nuzzles his cheek against the pillowy chest.
The doors swing open and Petra floats into the kitchen. Her glossy grape lips stretch into a wide grin. “Don’t worry. The darlings have promised never to return to this establishment. They also left you a huge tip—because you were so amazing.” She winks and laughs.
“Thank you.” Brendon loves this crew.
“No problem, honey.” She pets his arm. “Eli is setting you up for another six top. They’re regulars. Super sweet. Easy little book club. You won’t have trouble with them.”