Mabel seems excited for an adventure when he redirects her to follow his lead up the sidewalk. Jamie knows the neighborhood connects to a walking trail that bypasses the busy city streets and cuts through to the old port, walking along the edge of the bay.

Her tongue swings from a big goofy grin as she trots along, at his side. Snorting with each stomp of her gommie feet. He remembers Nathan warning about her dislike of most people as a jogger approaches from a distance. So, he wraps her leash and extra loop around his wrist, ready for what might happen but she pays no attention as the jogger passes and even greets “good morning” to the pair.

“Good girl.” He pats her head. They carry on, stopping once for Mabel to pee and a second time, so Jamie can get a hot honey milk tea for himself and a cup of water for Mabel from a beverage truck.

His phone chimes in a message from Nathan. “I leave too early in the morning, and you were out cold.” Laughing face. “What are your plans for the day?”

Jamie thumbs a reply. “Mabel and I are exploring the Old Port for a bit. I’ll return her safe and sound.”

The phone is ringing in a flash.

“Hello?” Jamie answers.

“Jamie. She really doesn’t like people. Keep her clear of anyone.” There’s panic in his voice.

“I don’t know what your talking about. A stranger is literally petting her right now and she’s completely fine.” He brags, watching a gruff woman park her shopping cart of belongings to fawn over the chonky girl.

“What?” He’s shocked.

“Don’t you worry about us. I’m taking her for a treat. We’re best buds ya know.” Jamie giggles.

“You’re amazing Jamie Carter.” The adoration seeps through the device.

“I know.” Jamie plays.

“I’ve got to get back to my patient. If she gets out of hand, let me know.” He worries.

“We’re good. Don’t stress.” The call ends and he tucks the phone back in his pocket.

The house-less woman carries on with her closet on wheels.

They cross a large intersection at Casco Bay Bridge and follow Commercial Street until they finally reach the edge of the old Port. Cars line the sidewalk and people bustle about, in and out of shops.

“Here we are Mabel.” Jamie steps up on the entrance to a pet shop. Jingling bells announce their entrance.

“Hello.” A smiling woman with short silver hair greets.

“Good morning.”

“Who’s this? She rounds the checkout counter and squats to Mabel’s level.

Mabel sniffs her hands and accepts the jowl scratches offered.

“This is Mabel.”

“Hi Mabel” she speaks directly to the squishy face. “What can we do for you today love?”

Mabel soaks up the attention.

“We’re just out for a stroll, browsing.”

“Beautiful.” She smiles at Jamie. “Let me know if you need any help. Nice to meet you, Mabel.” She rises to her feet and goes back to the register.

Jamie lets Mabel lead the way, exploring the store with her nose at peak snorts. She pauses to nuzzle a purple puppy jacket with tartan lining and ruffled hems at the neck and waist. A little gold crown is embroidered behind the collar. Fit for a queen.

Jamie kneels at her side. Her big brown eyes gaze up at him. “Do you like that?” He giggles.

She licks the back of his hand as he checks the tag.