“Have a seat boys.” She waves both clanking hands at two folding chairs draped in purple velvet.

They settle into the chairs. Sipping ciders.

“You boys have intense energy.” She shuffles a deck of cards.

Nathan is sure she tells everyone that.

Jamie looks at him and grins with dreamy eyes.

Nathan winks.

“I channel the messages the cards and spirit give me.” She makes intense eye contact with Jamie and then Nathan. “You have very strong guides.” She speaks. Shuffling the cards and laying them out in a grid on the table. She points to the first with a long acrylic nail painted purple and bejeweled. “There were rough beginnings in this life. For both of you. In different ways.”

Obviously, because gays.

“Mhmm.” Jamie seems enthralled. Staring wide eyed at the cards.

She taps another nail on her temple and squishes her eyes shut. “Who has the S name?”

Jamie searches his mind for an answer.

Nathan waits for the cutie to produce someone, until he doesn’t. “My birth mother.” He offers a response. “Stephany.”

“She’s sorry she wasn’t there for you.” The fortune teller pauses, listening for more. “You ended up where you’re supposed to be.” Opening her eyes to meet his. “Do you understand that?”

“Yes.” He smiles.

“Someone else is here with you. Another mother?”

“You had two moms?” Jamie is curious.

“Yes.” He sips cider. “One gave birth to me, and one raised me.”

“B. Is there a B?” Her bracelets clink and jingle.

Jamie focuses on Nathan.

“Yes.” He’s stoic. “Bertie. The woman who took me in and was my mom.” He chokes on the words.

“She sent him to you.” She nods toward Jamie and her eyes narrow. “You know that? Yes?”

Nathan feels the cutie’s eyes on him. He turns to wink. “Yes.”

Jamie’s cheeks flush.

“She’s happy you’re here together.”

Nathan pinches and rubs the crinkling cellophane wrapper in his lap.

“You’re both helping each other heal.” She looks to Jamie.

His eyes are glossy, and face is staring forward.

Nathan reaches under the table and squeezes his thigh.

Jamie covers his hand and squeezes back.

The building energy might lift the tent away.