If I achieve nothing else from coming to Raventhorn I'd love to get anything that could help Dad.
Dare I imagine finding that something and freeing him from the Hollows?
I could see him again.
He'd know I'm alive, and I wouldn't be indebted to Thorne for the rest of my life.
Chapter 18
"You guys are a fucking joke."
I glare at each of the guys standing before me. We're in the training hall at the gym doing our combat class.
We had to take things back to basics, so Caspian, Lucian and I joined the training sessions. Combat training is part of the curriculum here at Raventhorn, but the Reckoning training is separate and more intense.
Some of these guys are so unsuitable it makes me wonder how in the hell they passed previous trials and got this far.
It’s my job to prepare them but I shouldn’t have to do this much work.
At least Kade, Dimitri, Logan and Alek are still my favorites. The others are total shit.
"I’m going to split you up and you'll work in your teams for the next four weeks. It's important you make use of this time. The end will be the real ritual for the Reckoning where only four of you will be chosen. Understood?"
They nod.
"Kade, Dimitri and Logan, you're with me. Alec and James, go to Lucian. The rest of you, go with Caspian."
We split up and I take my group to the far corner of the training room.
"Let's do some jujitsu." That's one of our basic trainings. Watching them will give me the opportunity to see exactly what areas we need to work on.
I pair up Dimitri and Kade first to spar while I watch with Logan from the sidelines.
Kade and Dimitri begin sparring. Now that I have them away from the group I can see how good they are.
Outside of computers, combat training places me in my element. I’ve had one hell of a week so this is a distraction I need. Especially when the worst is yet to come.
My uncle has been more of an asshole than ever, and since Aiden has been in my workspace he's gotten on my last nerve.
I see him nearly every day, either at Raventhorn or Ivanov Tech. I can't stand him and his snide remarks. I fear I might snap and I won't be able to hold back.
The only thing that's managed to keep the inner beast inside me from ripping him apart is training the guys. And Ivy. Even though it feels like we're trapped in a game of emotional tug-of-war.
Kade beats Dimitri, and Logan takes his place. The two are just as good as each other, but Logan isn't as confident with his strikes.
“Logan, watch your footing and keep your chin up,” I order.
Logan tries his best but he's still making the same mistakes. I watch them for ten minutes more until Kade wins again, giving Logan a shit-eating grin.
“Fight me now.” My command wipes the smile off Kade’s face.
Of course, he's not going to want to fight me because people know I'm unbeatable.
I move forward, taking my stance. Kade does the same.
I've been the best in my class for years. I've done boxing, sword fighting, jujitsu, ninjutsu and kung fu. If I were him I wouldn’t want to fight me either.