“Can you just put me out of my misery and let me know what you’re going to do? Please. It’s not just me I have to worry about.”
“Yes, I’m sure your mother and Levgen would be very disappointed to know you’ve fucked up all their carefully-laid plans to keep you alive.”
“That only happens if you tell someone. I will do anything if you keep my secret.”
“I know, malen'kiy olen'. I know you’ll do anything. So here’s what I’ve decided to do…” He pauses and stares at me, his eyes roaming over my body carefully and leisurely. It feels like centuries pass between us and all the ages of the earth before his lips part to speak again. “I won’t tell anyone.”
The tension prickling my scalp loosens and hope fills my heart at this possibility. Until Thorne straightens and gives me a devious smile.
Malice and mischief come alive in his eyes and my little spark of hope flatlines faster than a heart with no beat.
“You want something in return.” My voice is a hushed whisper.
“You learn fast, little deer.”
“What do you want?”
“You want me?” I search the hard lines of his face.
“Yes. I won’t tell anyone, but in return for my silence I get you. I get to own you. Every single part of you.” The smile that dances across his lips makes Hannibal Lecter’s look like nothing. “You do whatever I tell you and you belong to me to do with as I wish, for as long as I call you mine.”
I didn’t realize how badly I was trembling until I glanced down and saw the ripple of fear trembling through my hands. The same thing is happening to my legs.
He wants to own me.
I lift my chin and level him a hard stare. “What happens when you stop calling me yours?”
“How about we cross that bridge when we get there? You haven’t agreed yet, and I’d say your choices are very limited.” He puts out his cigarette on my pencil holder I got from Holland, then he pushes to his feet and comes closer. “What’s it going to be, Bambi?”
Like he said, my choices are limited. Thorne knows my secret.
He could tell his uncle at any time. My only chance of staying alive and making sure that Mom and Levgen are safe is to agree. Agree and be his and trust in his word.
Trust in him but be mindful that he could destroy me with the truth.
“Yes. I agree. I’ll do what you want me to do.” What am I getting myself into? It doesn't matter. Whatever happens next will be better than getting my parents killed.
“Wonderful. Well, I think we should get started straight away.” His eyes darken with lust and hot desire.
“What do you want me to do?”
He steps closer and cups my face. His touch is almost gentle and would be if not for the malevolence alive in his expression.
“I want you to take your clothes off, then get on your knees and suck my dick. I want you to take my dick deep into your pretty little mouth. Then I want to fuck your face until you choke on it. Once I’m done, you’ll let me come down your pretty throat.”
My ears burn from the heat of his dirty words and my mind fills with the wild, sinful image of us in such an erotic state. I’ve never done anything like what he’s demanding of me.
I’ve been so worked up that I hadn’t even realized he’s the only person who’s ever seen me naked. The most I’ve done is kiss.
Now I have to be his slut.
“Don’t keep me waiting.” He taps my cheek and winks at me. “I hate waiting.”
Swallowing my pride, I lift the hem of my tank top and pull it over my head. Because I want to save the hardest part for last, I take off my shoes, then jeans.
I’m stuck between my bra and my panties but I go with my bra first, allowing my breasts to spill out.