Page 169 of Vicious Knight

I’d hate for Eilish to be in there crying again so I brave the task of opening the door and hope she won’t be mad at me. People say it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

When the door swings open my mouth drops, so does Isabelle’s and the two of us stand frozen to the spot as we stare at Eilish and Lucian kissing against the wall.

They’re so engrossed in each other that they haven’t even noticed our intrusion. And I’m so happy for them I can’t stop staring.

Thank God, my common sense kicks in and I realize they’ll be bound to notice us if we stay any longer.

I grab Isabelle who is so entranced by the sight of them she hasn’t thought to move.

It’s only when I ease the door shut that she snaps out of the trance.

On seeing that she looks like she might scream I tug her away and wait until we get a very safe distance before I stop.

She shrieks and jumps up and down, nearly dropping the pastry box. “Holy shit. This is such good news.”

“I know and there we were thinking she was depressed.”

Isabelle laughs. “I feel like shouting the news from the rooftop. But oh my God no, I would never do that.” She covers her mouth and giggles. “But you know what I mean.”

“I know what you mean.” I smile.

“I thought he’d left campus already.”

“Looks like he stayed a little longer for her.”

“Yes, but damn it, he’s going away for a year. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that long to find out what happens next.”

“Let’s hope so. Come on, let’s go to the party.”

“Yes,” she answers in an over-excited voice.

We share the cupcakes and finish them before we reach the hall, then we

notice the absolutely beautiful ice sculptures on the terrace. And it’s just started to snow.

It looks like something pulled from a fairytale.

“Oh my, look at that,” Isabelle gasps.

We head outside, away from the music and dancing students to walk around the sculptures and admire their beauty.

We walk the entire length of the terrace, getting lost in the artwork. They make me hear music. Happy music.

Since my father was released from prison my music doesn’t sound so much like death anymore. I can be versatile whereas before I couldn’t.

“These are so gorgeous.” I mull over the sculpture of the ballerina at the end of the platform.

Isabelle joins me and twirls around it as if she’s the ballerina, then she spins me around and we laugh as if we’ve been drinking all night.

“Maybe I should be a dancer.” She continues twirling.

“It would suit you.” I scan her little dress. It’s not as doll-like as some of her others but she still looks like a doll.

She’s about to say something but then stops abruptly. The smile on her face cracks and falls as if someone smashed it, and she stares ahead at the snow-covered garden below.

I follow her gaze and my smile fades too when I find Kade standing there watching us.

No. Not us.