We used to do dinner once a week when Caspian and I came to Boston for college, then it went down to every other week, then once a month. I pray Aleksander doesn’t expect us to resume the weekly schedule because I already see him more often than I’d like.
Willow, Caspian’s wife, should be here with us, but she hates Aleksander with a vengeance. The feeling is mutual for him, so he’s okay with her making appearances only when she absolutely needs to. Like at Christmas.
I wish I could have stayed away tonight. It would have been easier on my mind, but with the added stress of my situation regarding the company I needed to see what’s happening with my uncle. His mood shifts like the wind.
Caspian and I head to the dining room where Alexander is already waiting at the table, which is covered with a delicious spread that reminds me of a Thanksgiving feast.
The maids surround Aleksander, organizing the dishes on the table to enhance the presentation. At least the staff here look more like those you’d find on the set of Downton Abbey as opposed to the Playboy bunnies he has running around at work.
“Great, you’re on time.” Alexander motions for us to sit.
We sit on his left and say nothing. The tension is higher than ever now that Aleksander has spoken to Caspian about the new changes in the company regarding me.
Of course, despite my caution, Caspian has tried to argue on my behalf and failed. So I’m still neither here nor there, and I’m forced to play out this shitty game my uncle has set up for me until I find a way around it.
Brigette, the head maid, brings out the wine and pours us each a glass before she leaves, taking the other maids with her.
When they close the door the room feels as enclosed and suffocating as a crypt.
Aleksander is the first to sip on his wine while we help ourselves to the food.
“I heard the elite trials are going well.” Aleksander sets his wine glass down and looks from Caspian to me.
“Yes, we do have a good lineup of eight,” Caspian replies. “They all have a good shot at making it.”
“That’s good to hear.” Aleksander cuts me a glance and I instantly recall our conversation about the guys he didn’t want me to choose. “I hope you choose wisely.”
“Rest assured Thorne and I will choose the best.”
“Of course. But it’s still my job to guide you. You have some good choices amongst the eight. Choices who will be highly beneficial to us. Like James Valmik and Paul Coleus. Their fathers are co-owners of a multibillion-dollar diamond mining company.”
“We will take that into consideration.”
“Good.” His thin lips spread into a smile before he focuses on me. “What’s the plan for their Reckoning trial?”
The prick wants to know because he wants to try and gauge who’ll make it through what I have planned. He knows neither James nor Paul is particularly strong-minded or strong-bodied. They’re businessmen, but to be a Knight you have to be able to fight.
“Something similar to ours,” I answer with pride.
His smile fades because he remembers how we barely made it out alive.
“Just be sure to do what is required and don’t fuck things up with your crazy stunts.”
The Reckoning is hard as fuck but I’ve always thought that ours was set up by him as another attempt to try and kill me.
“Very well, then.” He keeps his gaze trained on me. “In other news, I thought I’d share that Aiden Sabioni will be transferring to Raventhorn next week.”
A flash of anger roils deep in my gut, rising to the surface like a tidal wave. I drop my fork and glare at him. “Aiden Sabioni is going to Raventhorn?”
“It seemed appropriate if he’ll be working at Ivanov Tech.”
“Since when has that been a requirement?” Caspian challenges.
“It’s not written in stone, son. I’m just ticking all the boxes. His father and I have been friends and allies for a very long time. So I trust that once Aiden starts, you will welcome him on campus as your peer and equal.”
“I am a Knight. He is not my equal.” I glare back at my uncle. If I were in charge, I would have sliced out his tongue for putting me in the same category as someone like Aiden, then I would slash his neck and watch him bleed out with no hope to survive. “Are you going to make him a Knight, too?”