“No,” I pant.
“Yes. You want me to fuck you and take the cherry between your legs.”
“Liar.” This time he slips his finger into my panties so he’s touching my bare pussy. He flicks his thick thumb over my aching clit and I moan out so loud the sound echoes around us.
He answers by pushing my dress up my hips and spreading my legs wider, then he adds another finger into my pussy and pumps hard, in and out, finger fucking me.
“Let’s play this game tonight.” His sinful smile adds to my delirium.
I can’t think anymore and my body has taken over control of my mind.
Lost in rapture, I press my fingers into the wall and surrender to him.
Vicious waves of pleasure sweep through me, up and down my body. Once. Twice. And all over again. I’m so hot my skin feels like it might fall off.
Finally the deadly combo of Thorne’s ruthless fingers and the insatiable pleasure splits me apart and I come. A sharp cry leaves my lips and the waves of my orgasm leave me trembling against him.
I grab on to his shirt, squeezing tight as if he can stop me from falling off the face of the earth, and he smiles.
Thorne holds my gaze, his piercing stare intensifying with every passing second of me trying to regain my composure.
Damn him for doing this to me. And damn me too.
I didn’t stop him. I didn’t try hard enough.
I’m better than this.
He withdraws his hand and I slump against the wall, my chest heaving, my soul shaking. Then the devil shocks me even more by holding up his fingers, showing me the glistening juices of my arousal. He places his fingers in his mouth making a show of licking it off with a satisfied smile.
And then he looks at me as if he’s only just getting started.
Chapter 8
Finally I tasted her.
I continue licking my fingers.
The beautiful silver-haired siren watches me, mortified that I’m savoring the sweet nectar from her pussy.
The color of our sexy encounter drains the blood from her already Snow White-skin, leaving it a deadly shade of alabaster.
Like the bastard I am, I’ve enjoyed every second of watching her squirm in my arms. Nothing was sweeter than seeing her fight then fail when she realized she wanted me. She wanted everything I had to give her and more.
“You taste like you want me to fuck you, little deer.”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s the idea, malen'kiy olen'.” I lean forward and laugh, infuriating her further. “Was that a request?”
“You know it wasn’t.” The color returns to her cheeks and she tries to move, but I restrain her.
With the weight of my body I push her harder into the wall, allowing her to feel the bulge of my cock.