I’m finding it hard to be like that.
I get off the bed with the sheet wrapped around me and go into the living room. I left my bag out here last night with my phone inside.
I pad across the room to get it but I stop when the glare from Thorne’s computer screen comes on. It must have detected my movements. He has one of those new tech computers.
This, however, is the first time he’s left it unlocked.
Usually when I’m here, it’s off.
A desperate idea whispers to me, compelling me to check if he might have access to the Knights' database.
This could very well be the opportunity that I needed to keep my eyes open to see.
I hear the shower turn on. He’ll expect me to join him soon. It doesn’t take that long to message Isabelle, but I have to look at the computer.
I rush over to the computer, which brightens even more when I get closer.
I don’t even know what I’m looking for but the task becomes a million times easier when I see the Raventhorn crest icon on the home screen with the label Knights' Database underneath it.
Oh my God. This is it.
My instincts were right. It makes sense that Thorne has access to the database because of who he is.
I grab the mouse and click on the icon, but of course it needs a password.
I wouldn’t even know where to begin to figure that out and I don’t have the time.
“Looking for something?” Thornes voice makes me jump but I’m quick to save myself by clicking off the screen so he can’t see that I was in the database.
I whirl around to face him, trying not to look guilty. “I was looking at the time. My phone battery died,” I lie.
“Oh. Alright. There’s a charger in the room you can use.”
Trying to act as normal as possible, I continue to my bag and get my phone.
I walk to him and think of what I could do now that I know Thorne can access the database right here in his living room.
I stare at him and I know that no matter how close we’ve gotten, fact is still fact.
I want to access the database to see if I can find the man who’s responsible for the crimes my father is in prison for. But to Thorne, my father is that man.
To him, my father took his family away from him.
So why would he help me find the scar-faced man?
Chapter 25
Ivy tried to access the Knights' database.
I knew she was lying the moment she looked at me, but I played along.
She left just now and I went back to my computer to check the history to see
what she was trying to find.