“No need to be sorry,” I say primly. “It is my pleasure.”
“Drak,” Cay-leb groans in exacerbation. “You can’t just throw me at people and expect them to be pleased to see me.” Turning to Lovan, he winces. “I’m sorry about him, we’ll just go?—”
“Do not—” Lovan interrupts, seeming to surprise himself with the outburst. Clearing his throat, he collects himself. “You should stay.”
“You see,” I boast, nudging Cay-leb with my elbow. “He is pleased with our company. Come, let us sit. I wish for him to ask prying questions so that I may know the answers.”
Cay-leb doesn’t protest as I pull him into a chair across from Lovan’s. He does grumble at me, though. “You know you don’t need a third party to ask me questions, you’re the one who calls me your brother.”
“Ah, so I may ask about your cock then?”
Cay-leb sputters at my bold inquiry. Lovan looks as if he’s swallowed his tongue.
“Jesus, Drak,” my hu-nim brother exclaims. “Why do you want to know about my dick?”
“Well, I am very well versed in hu-nim female anatomy?—”
“Ew! That’s my sister you’re talking about,” he interrupts, punching me in the arm. It does not hurt.
“—but I know very little about male hu-nim anatomy,” I finish. “An-nana was surprised to learn about Aprixian cocks and their vibrating feature, so I know that your cock does not do that.”
Cay-leb flinches with surprise. “Your junk vibrates?”
“For mating,” Lovan answers for me. “It assists in breeding.”
“You’re trying to breed my sister?” he exclaims, disgusted. “Dude, not cool. I do not want to know these things.”
“Do you not wish to be an uncle?” I challenge, tilting my head at him.
“That is not the point.”
“Hu-nims are very confusing creatures,” I inform Lovan. “Some wish to speak of mating, others recoil at the topic.”
Cay-leb groans, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t recoil at the topic of sex, I just don’t need to hear about my sister in that way, man.”
“Understandable,” Lovan grunts.
I suppose if I had a sister I would wish for the same, so I simply shrug.
My hu-nim brother sighs. “What do you want to know about my dick?”
I brighten, grinning at the offering of information.
What shall I ask first…
“Is it proportional to you?”
Cay-leb rolls his eyes at me. “Jesus, going right in with size questions? Are you sure you’re straight?”
“What is straight?” Lovan asks, eyebrows drawn in. This male does not like being without information.
“It means he only likes women—er, females. Can I call Aprixian ladies women? Woman implies human, but I don’t know how it translates for you.”
“It works,” I tell him easily. “We understand both ways.”
“Good,” Cay-leb replies with a breath. “Anyway, straight is just what humans say for the most common sexuality. Men liking women, women liking men.”
“Ah,” Lovan hums thoughtfully.