Page 83 of Dealing With Drak

“You’ll have to show me how best to take care of him,” I warn.

“It will be fun,” my mate assures me. “R’win are easy creatures to care for.”

I hum happily, nestled against his side. “A good gift, then?”

“An extraordinary one.”

“Good,” I croak, emotions getting the better of me. “I want you to know that I appreciate you, Drak. You make me feel like my life is full of meaning. I couldn’t see myself ever surviving without you.”

His lips brush against my temple. “Nor I without you, An-nana.”



One Week Later

My An-nana is spending this morning with her hu-nim friends at Marrec’s home. I would have insisted on going with her had Terum not picked her up with the other females. I trust him to keep her safe.

“Drak, can you do me a favor?” Cay-leb inquires, and my ears twitch.

“What is it, brother?” I ask curiously. As my mate’s family, he is naturally extended many courtesies from me, but he has yet to ask for anything. Until now.

I am excited to see what it is that he wishes for.

“Tell me how to get all of the Aprixian men to stop glaring at me like I’m here to snatch up the remainder of their eligible women,” he says seriously. Despite his desperate tone, I am unable to hide my amused laugh.

“I’m serious,” he pouts.

Gathering my composure, I nod in understanding. Still, a smile remains on my face. “Do you not wish to tell them that you mate with males?”

He looks surprised at this inquiry, pursing his lips. “Just what? Announce I’m gay, and they’ll stop?”

I shrug. “They do not truly dislike you, just the potential that you are competition for them. Explain that hu-nims do not have soul seeds. No fate will bind you to an Aprixian or hu-nim female, so they should not feel threatened by your presence.”

He thinks about it for a minute and shakes his head. “Something tells me they aren’t up for taking my word for it. You don’t think they’ll try to kill me in my sleep or some shit, do you?”

I bristle at this. “No male would be foolish enough to challenge me, and if they attempted to harm you in my home, this is what they would be doing.”

Cay-leb’s lips twitch at this. “Because you’re Drak The Deadly?”

Chuckling, I click my tongue. “You have been speaking with others about me, have you?”

“I’ve heard some things,” he teases, shrugging innocently.

“Then you should know how safe you are in this home,” I reply easily. “I would not spare the life of those who attempt to harm my family.”

I do not wish for An-nana nor her brother to find me frightening, but I do hope that they know I will be terrifying to any who wish them hurt.

“Good to hear,” Cay-leb replies, pleased rather than uncomfortable with my words.

“Come, brother,” I encourage, getting to my feet. “There is someone I wish for you to meet.”

He eyes me curiously but stands. “To help me or because you’re bored here without Anna?”

Grinning, I answer, “Both.”

A short while later, I am guiding a freshly showered and dressed Cay-leb through a familiar building. He insisted on wearing a shirt even though I am not. I do not understand hu-nim modesty in males, but I do not mind either way. He can dress as he wishes. He seems to favor T-shirt tops that ride up on his stomach, exposing just a small bit of skin, and tight jeans that mold to his thighs but not the bottom of his legs.