Page 82 of Dealing With Drak

“Drak got lucky to have turned out the way he has. Some creatures, I have found, push others away when vulnerable. Some pull them in, and some cannot bear the thought of sharing a space with anyone who may possibly harm them once more. Big feelings hurt you more than they hurt others, An-nana. That does not mean that you are wrong or that you are weak. It only means that you are yourself.”

A silent tear rolls down my cheek, and I swipe it, trying to gather my wits.

“How can you even say these things?” I ask, the words ghosting from my lips. “You hardly know me at all.”

I watch as his lips spread into a proud smile. “I know everything there is to know of my son’s mate. The female who demanded for his soul seed to shine for her. The female who makes him laugh with her angry words and harmless scowls. I know that there is no other person Drak would accept as his own. Everything else will come with time.”

Refusing to be overwhelmed and emotional from his kind words, I shake them off and lift my chin. “Well, thank you. If it’s not too much of a bother, I actually came out here to ask you a favor. It’s for Drak.”

His smile lifts. “What may I help you with, An-nana?”

Rolling my shoulders back, I smile too.

“Do you know where I can get a R’win?”

An hour and some change later, I return home but I am not alone. I had to explain my idea to Terum, telling him that I wanted to do something to show my mate that I truly care about him. That I remember everything he’s ever told me. That I was listening, even if I was being rude or pretending to ignore him.

He deserves to be loved on the same level that he shows me. I’ve got a long way to go in being a better partner, but I think this is a good start. After all, if we’re going to have a kid, we should probably practice taking care of something together first.

What a better way to start than here? After Terum confirmed that some R’win were domesticated pets, he told me he knew exactly where I could get one. Thankfully, there isn’t an overcrowding of animals here that need homes, and the ones that do are usually scooped up quickly. If I believed in fate, I’d say it was responsible for my amazing timing. There just so happened to be a little guy looking for a place to live.

Drak was right when he described his favorite creature as a tiny puppy. It has the energy of one, too. I thought that might be daunting, but so far, it’s not. I actually adore the tiny orange thing in my arms. Big floppy ears, large eyes, curly tail, and all.

Cradling him close to my chest, I let myself into the house and follow quiet voices until I find Drak. He’s laughing with Caleb, the two of them sharing a drink in the kitchen.

“Got room for two more?” I ask fondly, watching as their gazes snap over to me. The little R’win pops his head up, sniffing the air as he notices them too. “Surprise.”

“Oh my god, that’s the cutest thing in the world,” Caleb gushes, his eyes softening on the R’win. “Did you just find him?”

I shake my head, biting my lip as I watch Drak’s gaze become disbelieving.

“I got him,” I admit. “For Drak.”

Walking over to the pair of them, I extend the creature, passing him into my mate’s awaiting hands. From the corner of my eye, I watch as Caleb quietly exits the kitchen, giving us a moment alone. I’ll remember to thank him for that later.

Drak’s sharp intake of breath is the only thing to be heard before he’s immediately petting the baby, scratching gently behind its ear. Purring starts, and my heart clenches. It seems our new pet is already a daddy’s boy. I didn’t even know he could purr.

“An-nana,” Drak whispers. “You did this?”

“R’win are your favorite, aren’t they?”

His eyes become damn-near glassy. “You… you remembered?”

“I remember everything, Drak,” I whisper, kissing the top of the R’win’s head. “Do you like him?”

“I adore him,” he rasps. “I adore you, my mate. Thank you for this gift. Have you named him?”

“I wanted to, but I didn’t,” I confess. “He’s yours, you should name him, baby.”

“What did you wish to name him?”

I chuckle. “It’s silly, but if I had an orange dog like this on Earth, I would have named him Pumpkin in a heartbeat.”

“I love it,” Drak declares. “Pun-kin, he shall be.”

Holding back tears, I tuck myself into his side for a hug. “Pun-kin is perfect, Drak.” The R’win makes a happy noise, and I grin. “I think he likes it, too.”

“He is a smart creature, then,” Drak tells me.