My feet hurt, my brain is tired, and my heart is quite melancholy. I don’t know how I would have made this trip without Drak. He is a bright light, constantly shining—now literally shining because of his soul seed—making every moment of hopeless searching feel not-so impossible. He is continuously making me laugh and keeping me grounded.
Not to mention his tech. I’d be entirely lost without his navigation systems, his ship, and his weapons. We’ve killed so many zombies that I’ve lost count, and if the government still existed, they’d be trying to give him an award for his efforts or something. At least before they tried to chain him up and use him like their own personal killing machine.
I wouldn’t have made it nearly as far on foot or even in a stolen vehicle. I don’t have to worry about finding somewhere to sleep, what to eat, or how I’d escape the big mobs of the undead by myself. I never agonize about being warm and cozy enough to sleep at night, and most of all, I don’t feel like I’m going to die every five minutes.
Without Drak, I wouldn’t have lasted a week out here. I’d be back at the sorority house sulking in my failure or worse, stumbling around as a zombie somewhere after being helpless and trapped. I should tell him how grateful I am, but even though he deserves it, I think I might cry if I tried. And I am not crying in front of him over this.
I’ve come close enough to shedding tears as it is. For hours we’ve been scoping out the areas we scouted from above, and we haven’t picked up another scent. Still, I’ve posted notes all over the area. Each of them has some version of “It’s Anna, I’m looking for you.” I sign each one of them with our last name in big bold capital letters. LOGAN.
We haven’t run into a single human this entire time which has me wondering how many people even survived in this territory to begin with. I can’t shake the feeling that there has to be more people living around here. The first wave of outbreak took out the bulk of everyone, but I know there has to be more survivors. I’m concerned that Drak still hasn’t heard or scented anything but animals and undead.
Sighing, I rub my temples and continue to walk through the isles of the tenth store in this mall. There aren’t many zombies in here now that Drak and I have cleared them out with just his presence, and I was hoping that meant this might be where some humans are hiding out. My humans in particular. I don’t know how strangers would handle seeing Drak. If they’d faint like Stevie did when she saw Marrec or try to shoot him like I did with Drak. If anyone tried to hurt him…
I can’t even think about that.
“Still don’t sense anything?” I call out to Drak. He’s a little further ahead than me, looking around the back of the store.
“Nothing alive,” he responds loudly enough for me to hear.
I smile to myself at his tone. No matter how many times I ask, he doesn’t snap at me or sigh with exacerbation. He’s just happy to be talking to me, even if I’m badgering him. It makes me feel safe to be in this state around him. Like I don’t have to hide my constant need to ask for updates just in case.
Rationally I know he’ll tell me as soon as he notices something out of the ordinary, but irrationally I can’t stop checking in.
As I get close, I hear him humming like he’s deep in thought. Before I can ask what’s up, he’s asking me something himself.
“What is this contraption, An-nana?”
Turning to see what he’s found, my hand immediately seals tightly over my lips. I’m trying to hold back a burst of sound at the sight. Still, laughter escapes my palm, bubbling out of me. I forgot what kind of store we were in. I should have looked at the busted sign out front for more than a split second.
Drak has just discovered human sex toys.
“It is a humorous thing?” Drak inquires, holding the long purple device between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting it higher to examine it from all angles.
“It’s a vibrator,” I tell him, trying to quell my amusement. “It’s not really funny, just funny that you’re holding it. It looks so tiny and out of place in your hand.”
He scrunches his nose curiously. “Vibrator? It shakes? It must be broken.”
I chuckle, reaching out to take it from him. “It needs batteries, but yes, it shakes. It’s a sex toy—er, mating toy? Usually, women use them alone, but couples and men can use them too. They’re good for all sorts of sensitive bits.”
Looking up from the device, I find Drak’s eyes darker than before. “Have you used one before, my An-nana?”
“Oh yes, I am well-versed in the world of vibrators. Vibrating sensations do wonders for the clit.”
Drak licks his lips. “Your sensitive bud?”
Smirking softly, he says, “This is good information to know.”
Hitching a brow at him, I click my tongue. “Oh? You want to take one?”
He shakes his head. “There is no need.”
Well, that’s a bit of a bummer.
“What do you mean then?”
“My cock can do what this device does,” he claims, and my eyes threaten to roll.