I swallow thickly. “Because it was bad for you?”
Drak scoffs. “Because it was the best for me. Was it bad for you? Shall you teach me to improve?”
I chew on the inside of my cheek, hiding a chuckle. “It wasn’t bad for me, Drak. You’re a great kisser.”
He preens under the praise. “Truly?”
Teasingly, I lift an eyebrow at him. “Have I ever lied to spare your feelings before?”
He chuckles, reaching out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. “No, my Mean One must be truthful if she is being so sweet to me, hm?”
“Must be,” I agree, blushing hard.
Weeks ago, I was the girl that scowled at him and occasionally threatened to shoot him. I convinced him—and myself—that I had zero interest in being around him. I’d been stubborn and bitter about so many things, but I’m too tired to continue without him. Drak is the best thing to happen to me in a long time, and I’m going to start acting like it. Within reason, of course.
“Yes, An-nana?”
“It’s a good thing that you don’t want to kiss another female again.”
His eyes darken. “Oh?”
“Yes,” I confirm, leaning closer. “Because if you do, I’ll kick your ass. No one else is allowed to touch you now.”
His voice drops, and his hands surround the sides of my face. “Are you claiming me, hu-nim?”
Shivering, I breathe out hard. “We need to have a discussion about what this is,” I start, reaching out to put my hands on his hips. “But until further notice… yeah, I’m claiming you. Got a problem with that, Drak?”
He doesn’t answer with words, choosing to thrust his mouth against mine instead. This kiss is harder than the last, sending chills all the way down to my toes. My hands tighten around his hard middle, and he groans, the noise vibrating on my lips.
“No problem, An-nana. Claim me and share words with me so that I know how best to please you. I am yours.”
Jesus, the magnitude of that statement should scare me off. I mean, if a human man told me I was his seconds after our first kiss, I’d be running for the hills. But I relish the words coming from Drak.
“Do you want to do something crazy? Before we share words.”
I don’t know what prompts me to use his words instead of just saying talk, but maybe it’s because he tries so hard to get my language right, I want him to know I understand him entirely.
“Something crazy?” he asks with a mischievous smile. “I wish to see what you consider crazy, Mean One.”
Only ten minutes later, he looks much less mischievous and more worried. Standing at the edge of the cliff, right next to the rushing waterfall, I take his hand.
“Don’t tell me Drak The Deadly is scared of cliff jumping?”
“I am not scared for me, An-nana,” he replies cautiously.
I chuckle because that’s fair. “I’ve done this before, with my brothers. It’s a safe drop. The water is really deep here. Besides, you’ll protect me, won’t you?”
His back straightens, and he clutches my hand tighter. “Of course I will.”
Still sensing his hesitance, I squeeze back. “But?”
“The drop will not hurt you? You vow this?”
“Humans do this sort of stuff for fun,” I explain. “This drop isn’t very far, and unless I somehow fly over to the shore and hit my head, I’m going to be perfectly fine.”
He looks over the edge again and back at me. “I will do this with you if you allow me to hold you while we fall.”