Page 14 of Dealing With Drak

“I would like you to mind Drak’s heart on your journey.”

That’s not what I expected. I don’t know what I was assuming he’d say, but I wouldn’t have guessed this.

“His heart?” I echo.

“Yes,” he agrees, nodding his head once firmly. “Drak may like your less-than-sweet demeanor, but he is still a soul with feelings. I expect you to keep that in mind. Do not use him for his help by offering promises that you cannot deliver when he will give it to you freely.”

Is this guy seriously asking me not to lead Drak on?

I couldn’t be doing anything further from leading him on. I’ve been cold to him since he showed up. I’m pretty sure I’ve told him to leave me alone once a day, every day.

Giving the big alien a confused look, my eyebrows pull in. “I’ve literally tried to kill him before, and you’re worried about what I’ll do to his heart?”

Terum doesn’t even flinch at the mention of my previous assaults on Drak. Yes, I tried to shoot him several times when they arrived here, after letting themselves into our house. I found them tending to a passed-out Stevie. What else was I supposed to do? Watch?

Learning the Aprixians are bulletproof was horrifying. We were at their mercy once the bullets pinged off of Drak with no armor being responsible. I felt instantly helpless. Human men, I could kill. I would kill them to keep the girls safe. But the Aprixians made me feel useless and vulnerable for the first time in a long time.

“Drak has survived many attempts on his life,” Terum deadpans, voice calm and steady. “He can take on any physical battle you bring to him. But his heart? It is as soft as any unmated male’s.”

“I don’t understand why you’re coming to me with this,” I gripe defensively.

“Yes, you do,” he argues, tone holding no malice.

I don’t get this guy. He’s supposed to be a father figure to Drak, so he’s warning me to be careful with him. And yet he’s not showing a hint of emotion. Is he trying not to scare me or something?

“Drak knows the deal. He offered to take me, and I haven’t promised him anything in return,” I say, effectively ending the discussion. “Is there anything else?”

He eyes me but eventually shakes his head. “That is all.”

Huffing, I get back to packing and try to ignore the strange pang in my chest. I don’t have time for whatever drama is stirring up between Drak and me. It’s not like he treats me like he’s in love with me or something.

Really, Drak treats me like a boy—someone to hunt and joke around with when he’s bored. He thinks I’m interesting because I’m a human and I like weapons. It’s fine by me, at least he doesn’t treat me like I’m a helpless little girl who can’t do anything.

I’d rather have his respect than his affection. I’m not looking for love, I’m looking for my family. Boyfriends only complicate things, and if Drak were into me, he would want to be way more than my boyfriend.

He’d want fucking wedding bells and babies.

I can hardly keep myself sane. How exactly am I supposed to care for someone else when I can barely take care of myself? Drak would be better off trying to sway Megan from Al’rik than attempting to pursue me.

Even if the thought of that bothers me immensely.



Breakfast is going about as well as I expected it to. Brooke is concerned, Megan is salty, and Cayte is grilling Drak about logistics. Where are we going, how are we going to keep in touch, can he keep me safe from humans, blah, blah, etc, blah.

“And—” she starts again, making my temples throb.

“Leave him alone,” I finally bite out, fed up with the ridiculous line of questioning. “I was going to go with or without him, and it’s not Drak’s job to make you feel better, Cayte. We’re leaving, and I don’t give a shit if you think we’re organized enough, alright?”

All of the sounds in the room are crushed under a wave of silent surprise. I make it a rule not to snap at the girls often, but sometimes, they need to hear it. Boundaries are crossed a lot when the world has ended around you, and all you have are the people you’re in close proximity to. Friendship blurs into this weird state of give and take, and sometimes it’s easy to take too much.

When no one responds, and Cayte merely blinks at me, her lips parted in surprise, I push back from the table, leaving my plate unfinished.

“Are you ready to go?” I ask, eyes boring into Drak’s face.

His smile is sultry sweet, and I wish he’d stop pointing it at me. “I am ready, An-nana. Come, I will show you our ship.”