Page 14 of Shes my 1 Try

Shoulder charging past him—thanks footy for teaching me that move—I head down the stairs, leaving him to shout obscenities at my back. I’m one-hundred percent certain Ines had no idea her mate Ron was an asshat of epic proportions. I love her for trying to get me out of my funk, but it seems the universe has superseded her plans, though.

Stepping outside, a cool salty breeze ripples over my sweat dampened skin. Inhaling it, I centre myself, pushing Ron’s behaviour away. I won’t allow him to steal away something I’ve been dreaming about for weeks. Just to be sure this isn’t some dream; I double check my phone. Yep, the notification of his message is still there. The urge to open it rides me like a cowboy on an eight second bull, but I resist and order a ride home. I don’t know what Asher might have to say to me—I can’t believe I’m thinking about a real live message from the man I’ve been obsessing over—but I don’t want to be out on the street if it’s somehow…bad.

As the ride pulls up, I slide into the back seat and put the seatbelt on. Exhaling slowly, I open my phone and scroll over to the Instagram icon, clicking on it. The little red number one sitting in the corner makes my heart beat faster, and my hand shakes as I select it, opening the message.

Hey, cute girl.

I release a squeal; the driver giving me the side-eye in the rear vision mirror and I roll my lips together. Staring up at me might only be three little words, but they mean a whole damn lot coming from Asher Scott.

Pressing my phone to my chest, I want to scream like a teenage girl, but hold it in—for the driver’s sake. Tilting my phone back, I read it again, my cheeks heating. It might not have been the perfect start, but it sure feels like the start of something.



Wiley and I have been messaging back and forth for a week now and yet it feels like we’ve known each other for years. Mandy says I get this goofy look on my face whenever I start talking to her. I don’t know if she’s right. What I do know is, I get this warm feeling inside, my heart beating a little faster. My cheeks hurt from how much I’m smiling, and all we’re doing is talking.

“Why the hell are you so chipper this morning?” Billy runs up alongside me as we trudge our way out of the surf for another gruelling beach run before diving back into the ocean.

“Nothing.” I shrug, one corner of my lips working into a cocky grin.

“Uh-huh, sure, and does this nothing have a name?” He keeps pace with me, Blake, another player I’ve gotten closer to over the last few months, joining him on the other side.

“Why does my chipper mood have to be because of someone?”

“Because you’ve been a pain in everyone’s ass since that damn photoshoot,” Blake laughs, bumping his shoulder into mine. “And this week it’s like, BAM, a new Asher.”

“Do you all have nothing better to do than to talk about my moods?” I snicker, knowing they’re right, but wanting to keep my little bubble with Wiley to myself for a little bit longer. We haven’t even gone on a date yet and considering she’s in Sydney and I’m down here now, it’s gonna make things even harder.

“Look, whatever or whoever is making you happier, don’t fuck it up, yeah?” Billy advises, my calves burning with the exertion of running in the soft sand.

“I’m trying really hard not to,” I mutter. Lucky my cute girl comment didn’t bite me in the ass.

After several more gruelling treks up the sand and into the ocean, we bus it back to the stadium and into the change sheds. Sitting in a circle, Kai and his dad, Jason—the coach—take the lead on tactics for our upcoming trial match against the Rays. The whole team knows I’ll be a target and we’ve planned on how to use it to our advantage. It doesn’t stop this pit opening up in my stomach and filling with betrayal and lies.

“Hey.” Billy nudges me with his knee. “Those fuckers won’t lay a hand on you. We won’t let it happen.”

Nodding, not wanting to say something that might seem ungrateful, I don’t doubt his sincerity. I doubt my promise not to take things further if push comes to shove. Pushing the thoughts aside, I try to concentrate on what Jason is saying, but I keep drifting off to a more pleasant train of thought. One with blue eyes and curves for days.

“Hey!” Fingers snap in front of my face and I blink away the thoughts I can’t keep under control and look up at Billy’s smirking face. “You’re really gone, aren’t you?”

“I dunno what you’re talking about.” Scanning in front of me, I see everyone’s gone and I give myself a shake.

“Sure-sure,” Billy laughs, slapping a hand onto my shoulder. “It’s so obvious that whoever this mystery woman is, you’re so into her it’s not funny.”

“And how is that you know so much, huh?” Shrugging off his hand, I get to my feet, stretching my back out.

“Because, my friend, I know that look well.” His attention shifts from me to the woman he is so clearly in love with as she speaks to Kai. “The things I would daydream about doing to her…fuck.”

Fuck, indeed, I say internally, some part of me frustrated at not being able to see Wiley. Touch her. Drink in that heady, exotic flower scent I can’t seem to shake.

“Look, if you’re worried it’ll affect my game, I can assure you?—”

“I know it won’t, Asher. That’s not what this is about, mate. This is me, understanding where you’re at right now. You want some advice?” Despite never having had an issue with women…ever, I nod, so out of my depth with Wiley I’m not sure what to do. “Don’t wait to tell someone how you feel. Make sure if she’s important, you let her know. You can’t get back lost time.”

“That was…awfully philosophical, Billy,” I remark, shocked really.

“He does have his moments,” Kennedy says, having joined us, planting a kiss on his cheek. “If this is about your female friend, I agree. You should go for it. From what Mandy says, she seems nice.”