He eyes my lips like maybe he wishes he could kiss me.
I stare at his lips, wondering if he ever will. We agreed we never would. But I can’t deny how good his body feels against mine. This shouldn’t feel like home. This shouldn’t feel right.
We know what we are together.
My mom’s greatest dream. Which is my worst nightmare.
It scares me. I flinch against him.
“Phoebe?” He releases his clutch on me and inches back. The distance is uncomfortable and stinging.
I avoid his gaze. “That was . . .”
“Appalling?” he offers roughly, a huskiness in this throat that he clears with a deep guttural sound. It’s sexy, honestly. His arousal.
“The worst,” I say dryly and risk a glance.
He’s scraping a rough hand through his perfectly disheveled hair, his face twisting in thought. “How can I walk in there and be honest, Phebs?” He gestures to the door. “You think anyone will respect me if I tell them what I’m really honest-to-God thinking? I’ve already imagined setting this place on fucking fire. You think that’ll help you?”
I can picture the dark depths of Rocky’s bitterness and contempt for most people. It’s not a recipe for a welcoming cocktail. It’s poisonous. Worthy of being exiled from the town.
And how he responded to Mr. Burke is what he knows how to do. He’s used to being another apex predator.
It’d be more difficult to change.
Hell, it’s hard for me. I stayed quiet while Rocky tried to protect me. It’s what we usually do in these situations. So I shouldn’t be shocked that we naturally fell into the roles again.
“I don’t think it would help me in the long run, no,” I whisper more softly. “And I get you’re looking at the big picture here, which I appreciate.” It’s strange that he’s trying to preserve the longevity of my stay in this town instead of imploding it. “I just wish I could’ve told Mr. Burke to fuck off without risking my job.” I shrug. “And I wish you could’ve done that for me in the meantime, too.”
Rocky contemplates this for a tense beat, a pain in his eyes that he tries to shift away from me. After another rough hand through his hair, he tells me, “I talked to your brother.”
My heart lifts. “Which one?”
“Nova. I let him in on your plan here.”
Surprise jumps my brows. “Everything?”
“Vaguely, yeah. If you want to reach out to them, it should be safe. They know to keep this quiet from our parents.”
Relief washes over me. I didn’t have to be the one to risk jeopardizing Hailey’s plan. “Thanks, Rocky.” I see the glint of the time on his watch face. “Shit. I need to get back to work.” We’ve been in the storage closet for fifteen minutes. “I really am trying to keep this job.”
“Obviously.” He sounds unenthused.
I try to fix my limp ponytail, and I panic at the lack of mirror. “Is it straight?” I ask Rocky. “Are there messy pieces?”
“Come here.” He motions to me with two fingers.
I hate him for making me visualize those fingers inside me. “You come here.”
He rolls his eyes, then rounds my body. His chest brushes against my back, and his height is a shield protecting every single inch of me.
“Don’t bite my hand off,” he says roughly.
“I’ll try not to.”
Rocky unties the pony and collects my deep blue hair in one hand. With the other, he smooths the baby hairs away from my forehead. I shut my eyes and sink into the melodic motion of his hand sliding against me. His fingers slip around my ear, and the sensation zips a tingle down my arms.
I sense him tying the pony once and then twice. Until it’s tight and a little higher than the middle of my skull.
“And there you go,” he says, his voice a husky gruffness. “The best ponytail of your life.”
“Let’s not go that far.” I spin back around. “It’s average.”
His smile peeks, a shadow of one while he examines more of my face than my hair. “It was above average before I was here.”
My lips part at the unusual compliment. “Thanks?”
Rocky forces a wry smile. “You’re late.”
“Oh shit.” I bolt for the door and power walk down the hall. If Katherine noticed my absence, she doesn’t let on when I return to the dining room. The widowers have left, and Chelsea sends me to the pool for snack service.
Everything is falling into place.
I peek over my shoulder, expecting to see Rocky watching over me. Less like a guardian angel. More like a two-horned demon.
Hailey passes me with a tray of mojitos.
“Hey, Hails.” I catch up to her side and keep her brisk pace. “Did you see your brother?”
“Yeah. He just left the club. Why, do you need something?” She halts midway to the sunbathing guests.
I try to ignore my disappointment. “Uh, no. Just curious how long he’d spy.”