The only sound to be heard in the tense room was the judge nervously flipping through pages. “Then, by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the State of Illinois, I now pronounce you married. You may… you may kiss your bride.”

My fingers dug into the lapels of his tuxedo. “Don’t you dare?—”

Var’s mouth slammed down on mine in a punishing kiss of possession.

A cheer went up in the room from the other men.

There was a pop of champagne.

Still Var kissed me, as if he were refusing to relent until I’d completely submitted.

Finally, I broke away. My fingertips lifted to my bruised lips.

Var captured my hand and raised it to his lips. “Tomorrow, I’ll take you to Tiffany’s and you can pick out whatever ring you want for this pretty finger. I want the world to know you are now mine.”

Serg handed me a glass of champagne, then lifted his own in a toast. “Happy you can no longer legally be compelled to testify against your husband day!”

This was madness.

The judge held up the marriage license.

My last hope. This farce wasn’t legal if I didn’t sign.

“I’ll just forge her signature and file this with the clerk.”

So much for that.

In a fit of rage and panic, I smashed my glass to the floor. “I said no!”

My outburst was met with a dangerous silence.

Var stepped close. “Excuse me, gentlemen, while I have a word with my wife.”

I turned to run, but didn’t make it a single step.

Grabbed by powerful hands, I was tossed over Var’s shoulder and carried out of the room, screaming bloody murder.



“Get your gorilla paws off me, you fucking bastard!” she cried.

As I carried my blushing bride down the hall, I heard Anton say to Mac, “Aw. How sweet. It’s just like the day they met.”


As Vivian squirmed and pounded at my back, I gave her bottom a hard smack. “Easy, wife. I’ll have you in the bedroom soon enough.”

“Why you… why you…”

With a kick to the door behind me, I crossed the bedroom and tossed her onto the bed.

She bounced up and off it. Pushing her gorgeous dark hair away from her eyes, she faced off with me. “You cretin!”

After I shrugged out of my tuxedo jacket, my fingers moved to the buttons on my suit vest. “Now is that any way to talk to your husband?”

Vivian gestured violently between us with her hand. “We. Are. Not. Married.” She then waved her arm in the direction of the door. “That… that… farce… couldn’t possibly be legal.”

Pulling my vest off, I tossed the bowtie aside, untucked my shirt and pulled it over my head. “I assure you, it most definitely is legal. Now take off that dress.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “I most certainly will not.”

“Krasivaya, this marriage is getting consummated one way or another. It’s your choice whether it is lovemaking in our bed, or—” I raised a single eyebrow, leaving the rest unsaid.

Her arm stretched out to her side as she narrowed her gaze. “I am not getting into that bed with you.”

With that she marched past me into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

I kicked off my shoes.

Damn, only married a few minutes, and I was already having fun.

With my bare foot, I kicked the bathroom door down, not even bothering first to check to see if she had locked it. I knew my girl. It’d been locked.

Vivian shuffled to a far corner holding a crystal ear swab decanter over her head. “Don’t come near me.”

I reached down to unbuckle my belt. Pulling it through my pants loops, I stretched the thin black leather between my fists. I would have to be careful. Unlike with my usual heavy brown leather belts, this dress belt would be like a whip and cut into her flesh.

“Throw it, baby girl. I fucking dare you.”

She threw it.

Ducking as the shards of crystal shattered against the wall near my head, I lunged for her.

There was no escape for her.

With my arm wrapped around her waist, I lifted her off the floor.

Despite the weight of her wedding skirt, she kicked out. “Let go of me!”

I swung around and bent her over the marble counter between the two sinks. Twisting my hand into her hair to keep her in place, I lifted my arm with the belt as she glared at my reflection in the mirror. “Time for a little domestic discipline.”

I flipped her skirts up to pool at her lower back.

Damn, she had a fine ass. This was the first time I was getting such an amazing view of the curve of her hips, her booty, and her long legs, which were enhanced by the spiked high heels she still wore.

The view was enough to send a man to his knees. I knew I’d done nothing good in my life to deserve such a curvy, hot piece like her. Probably why I had to force her to marry me, I thought sardonically.