Page 3 of Sinful Temptations

“I’m good,” I lied. “How about you? How are Kane and your mom?”

“Kane’s great. Mom not so much.”

“Oh no, Zali. I’m so sorry.”

Puffing out her breath, she flicked her hand. “Ahh, it’s nothing. She’s got a rash on her leg that won’t go away. The damn itching keeps her up all night, driving both of us crazy.”

My guilt grew heavier. “Oh, jeez. I’m so sorry.”

“Stop it. Now tell me. What’s this shit with your fucking mother?”

In one rambling monologue, I told her about Mother’s messages and how she’d found me on Facebook.

“So now the bitch wants you to look after her.”

“Yeah, well, she has nobody else.”

“And we both know why that is.”

“She’s dying, Zali. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”

“Hmm.” She cocked her head, and her eyes grew dark.

“You did it,” I said. “You’ve sacrificed years looking after your mom.”

“Yes, but my mom is the most beautiful woman in the world. She did everything for me. Your mother did jack shit.”

I nodded. It was true. From the age of about six, I’d been making my own meals. Meals? Ha, that was a joke. If there wasn’t bread and Vegemite, I’d scramble for anything to eat. Often, I’d have cereal for dinner. Provided there was milk, that was. At nine years old, I was doing my own washing and cleaning my parents’ clothes. Sometimes it was like our roles were reversed and I’d be the one providing for the family.

“Don’t do it, Daisy.”


Zali shook her head. “Don’t give up everything for her.”

“What exactly am I giving up?” I flicked my hand and scanned the sparse room that I called home. “I don’t have anything.”

“Bullshit.” She sat up straighter. “You listen to me. This month is the first time in ages that I’ve seen you smile. And I don’t mean that I’m-fucking-okay smile. You’ve been really happy, and it’s because of all that sex you’ve been getting.”

“Oh, great.” I wobbled my head. “Sorry, Mother, I can’t visit you in the hospital because I want to fuck some random dudes.”

Zali burst out laughing. “Exactly. See? This is karma. How many times did you miss out on dinner because that bitch was fucking some random dude?”

Oh. My. God.The blood drained from my face.I am just like my mother.

“Oh, no you don’t,” Zali barked at me, waggling a finger. “Don’t you go thinking you’re like her. You were a kid. She’snot. Your mother has spent her whole life using people. Right?”

I puffed out my cheeks. “Yeah.”

“Now she just wants to use you all over again. She doesn’t deserve you, Daisy. Besides, you’ve only got five months left in Europe. You can see her after your visa finishes.”

I reached for that letter. The one the dictated that I leave Europe on the 7th of January . . . Mother’s birthday. It was like I was destined to see her again. “The letter says she only has eight months to live. It was dated two months ago.”

“Doctors know nothing. Trust me. Mom’s fucking doctor is always changing his mind. You’ve got heaps of time.”

“Hmm, but what happens if—” I couldn’t finish. Mother was the only living relative I had. Despite all the crap she’d put me through, it seemed important to hang onto that thread. Like I’d be nothing, a nobody, should I lose my only link to my heritage.

“Look, how about this for a plan? Cancer doesn’t kill you overnight. And it’s not like she’s bedridden, right?”