The line clicked and the call ended, plunging my car back into darkness. I turned my attention back to the house and scanned the perimeter for anything that could have changed in those few moments. Luckily, everything looked good. There was an uncomfortable itch in the back of my mind, though, an itch that wouldn’t settle until I was back with Rocco. I felt like I should be there, helping Jian to keep him safe. Though it wasn’t unpleasant being here for Mae, I just wanted to make sure Rocco’s grief didn’t make him do anything stupid.
As my music resumed, the front door to Mae’s home opened and she stepped out in a pair of black leggings and a checkered shirt that flapped in the warm summer breeze. Barefoot, she hurried down the path, across the road, and approached my car. I braced myself. If this was going to be another argument about my being here, then I had to do my best to keep my hands to myself.
She got too fucking sexy when she was all uptight.
Mae knocked her knuckles against the window and I lowered it halfway.
“Before you say anything, I’m not going anywhere,” I said, hoping to cut her argument short before she got started. “And it’s not stalking. I’m under orders.”
Mae narrowed her eyes and gave me a withering look. “I’m not here to scold you.”
“Oh.” Then what did she want?
“Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
“I’ve got a shit ton of leftovers, and if you’re insisting on still following me around this entire time, then at least you can get a decent meal out of it.”
“Well, how about that?”
Inside, Mae’s home was warm and the scent of spices filled the air. The soft giggles of her son drifted down from the floor below, and after a particularly loud thump, Mae shot me an apologetic look.
“Sorry, it’s bath time and he wanted my mom to do it. She insisted even though it will take so much longer than normal because she’s under the weather and he’s becoming a little terror.”
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” I assured her. “I can’t imagine how hard it is to keep a kid under control.”
“Hard isn’t even beginning to describe it.” She snorted softly and began spooning a curry dish into a small bowl. “Do you like spicy food?”
“To an extent.” I chuckled. “I have my limits.”
“Well, my six-year-old can handle it, so we’ll see just how weak you are.” Mae turned to face me and pressed the warm bowl into my hand. Our fingertips brushed together, and the spark of energy that passed between us was impossible to ignore. Mae’s cheeks bloomed pink. She quickly stepped away toward the other side of the kitchen and rummaged in the drawer for a fork.
“Does it bother you?” she asked suddenly, turning back to me with a fork in her hand.
“Does what bother me?”
“That I fucked Rocco?”
I definitely didn’t expect her to just come out and say it like that. My heart skipped slightly in my chest as I nodded. “A little.”
“Only because I’ve wanted to taste you since college, and he’s tasted you twice now.”
Mae’s eyebrows lifted as she approached. “Since college?”
“Did you think Rocco was the only one who noticed you?”
“Honestly, I didn’t think anyone was interested in me. Even when Rocco asked me to dance back then, I was a little worried it was some kind of graduation joke.”
“He’s not that kind of man.”
“No, he’s the kind of man who fucks and dips.”
“Mae.” She stopped in front of me, and I took the fork from her loose fingers. “Life got in the way.”
“What a boring excuse.”