There, I stopped dead in my tracks. “Oh, my God.”
The entire foyer was filled to the brim with bright orange roses. Mandarin Sunset Roses, to be exact. My favorite flower. There were bouquets, baskets, and potted plants draped over every inch of the foyer. On seats, on tables, and the front desk was covered. Walking forward, I plucked one of the roses from a basket and brought the soft, sweet petals to my nose. Breathing in, I was instantly transported back to college and spending one summer in the florist begging for more of these flowers. One year, they were as dark and as vibrant as my hair, which I adored.
“So you see.” The waiter cast his hand wide. “We don’t quite know what to do with them.”
“Who are they from?” I asked, although suspicion was already growing in my mind. My favorite flower? I didn’t even care how he found out.
“There’s a card.” The waiter approached the desk and rummaged through some of the greenery, then he passed me a sleek black card embossed with gold.
‘I’m sorry. Love from Rocco and Family.’
“The Adamis?” The card was suddenly snatched from my fingers by my mother who appeared at my shoulder like some kind of spirit manifestation. “They sent me flowers?”
My lips parted, but I immediately changed my mind and nodded. “Yeah, it looks like it.”
As apologies go, this was a pretty fucking grand gesture. Almost too grand. What the hell were we going to do with all of these flowers?
“But why the apology?” My mother’s eyes snapped up and narrowed. I could see the gears turning. She’d already been unimpressed that I even let Rocco in the house. The last thing I needed was her judgment about my conflicted feelings.
“Probably for missing the party since most of the town is here,” I said, offering an excuse. “After all, you said the Adami family was big on things happening here, so I bet he would have wanted to make an appearance and couldn’t.”
My mother, much more interested in thinking the flowers were about her, accepted my weak excuse with a wide smile. “That makes so much sense. Oh, Mae, you’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
“You’re welcome.” I pressed a brief kiss to her powdered cheek.
“Sorry to interrupt.” The waiter pressed his hands together and his lower lip curled slightly into his mouth. “What should we do with all of these?”
I glanced around the room, twirling the rose stem between my fingers, until an idea struck me.
“Give one to each guest as they leave. And make sure they know it’s from the Adami family,” I decided.
“What?” Mom’s face opened in shock. “Give them away?”
“There’s more here than you could ever take care of,” I pointed out. “Set aside what you like, and the rest can be party favors.”
She wanted to argue with me. I could see it in her eyes. Luckily, she was house proud, and this many flowers would be a nightmare to care for.
“Fine.” Even at this age, she pouted like a teenager, and I suddenly felt like the parent to two children.
Rose in hand, I wandered back into the party and headed straight for Zack. Try as I might, I couldn’t shake the excited bubble that settled just beneath my ribs, nor the giddiness in my step. The flowers were sweet. Over the top, sure, but so sweet.
“She’s back!” Zack held up my phone and yawned. “Denise wants to say goodbye.”
“Thanks, kiddo. Here.” I offered him the rose, and he took it with a slight frown, then set it down on the table and returned to his book.
“Oh, my God,” I gasped the moment I pressed my phone back to my ear. “Guess who just sent an entire room load of my favorite flower with an apology card.”
“What?” Denise screeched, then burst out laughing. “Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said he wouldn’t leave you alone. Although we do like flowers.”
“Yes, we do,” I agreed, walking a few feet away from Zack so he wouldn’t overhear. “What am I supposed to do? How do I respond?”
“Do you want to respond?” Denise asked. “How do you feel?”
“I feel like I’m a teenager who’s been asked out on a first date. This is how it happens. I feel lonely, and he does something like this or just appears, and I can’t resist him. Even though…” My attention landed on Zack. “I know he’s dangerous, and having him around isn’t worth what could happen to me or Zack, but… I’m lonely. That kiss with Dino was like the first taste of sugar after a cleanse.”
“Well, I know what you have to do,” Denise replied, her tone firm. “You need to get laid.”
“Is that what I’m trying to avoid?” I remarked as Dino and Rocco popped into my mind.