“Honestly? I have no choice. My job is there. My life is there, Zack’s school.” I sighed deeply. “But I’m more torn than I ever expected. I thought I would hate it here, but I… I like it here.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yeah.” I glanced at Rocco over my shoulder and smiled. “There’s been some unexpected perks. But… I can’t upend Zack’s life like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because!” I snapped slightly and spun to face him. “He is my priority. I need to keep him safe and happy. Regardless of what I feel, there’s no guarantee that staying here won’t end as badly as it did the last time. With you and Dino and Jian… the world you all live in? It’s exciting and dangerous, but can I really live in it? No. I can’t change his entire life just because I’ve been—” I stopped myself.

“You’ve been what?” Rocco prompted, moving around the counter. “Having fun? Enjoying yourself?”

“I’m a mother. I have responsibilities that are more important than who I sleep with.”

“And I’m a father,” Rocco said. “Or I want to be.”

“I haven’t told Zack about you, and I don’t even know how to. I don’t want to rely on you or the others because all it takes is some sexier woman to point her tits at you, and you could leave. Or some stray bullet to…” My throat closes, and I can’t finish my sentence.

Rocco stepped closer. He trailed his fingers down my arm until he reached my hand, and then he locked our fingers together.

“Mae. I know I broke your trust, and I know you still carry a lot of pain from that night. But I stand before you now and I swear, I am here for you. For both of you. No matter what you decide or how long it takes you to trust me again, I am here. Whether you stay here or go to the city, I can travel. I want to be in your life, in Rocco’s life. Please.”

“You say sweet things,” I murmured, retracting my hand. “But you are in the Mafia and I don’t want that life. Not for me and not for Zack.”

As I turned away, Rocco sucked sharply on his teeth. “You don’t have a choice.”

I quickly turned back to him. “You literally told me that I could decide.”

“About that? Yes. But the Mafia? Zack is my son, and nothing can change that. You can’t keep it a secret forever when people will always be after his blood no matter what. He has become a target just by existing, so you have to choose how to protect him. Be with us, and let us protect you and our son. Or leave and try to protect him yourself. Either way, he is Mafia.”

It almost sounded like a threat, but deep down, I knew Rocco was just trying to be realistic so I wouldn’t make a bad decision. Could I really protect Zack from those kinds of people?

No. I knew I couldn’t.

Before I could reply, Rocco’s phone rang into life and he answered it. He barked a few words in Italian, then grimaced as he hung up.

“I’m sorry. There’s something I have to take care of. But can I take a raincheck on dinner?”

“Sure.” I nodded slowly.

“And Mae?”


“Don’t forget to consider what your heart wants.”

“I can’t parent Zack through the whims of my heart,” I murmured. Sighing, I slowly walked Rocco to the door and held it open. “Do you really think he’s a target? I thought you had sorted everything with the people who killed your father?”

Rocco’s brow dipped. “Technically, yes. But peace is forever fragile. All it takes is the wrong cocky asshole to make a grab for power.”

“Damn.” I sighed deeply. “This isn’t going to be as easy as I thought.”

“Rocco!” Suddenly, Zack’s excited yell cut through my worried thoughts. Glancing past Rocco on the doorstep, Zack sprinted up the path as fast as his short legs could take him. My mother was just at the gate with Jian, who was unloading the bags from the car.

“Hey, kiddo!” Rocco immediately scooped Zack into his arms and a warm, affectionate smile bloomed across his handsome face. “How are you?”

“Good!” Zack clapped his hands together, and my heart clenched. Zack had opened up to Rocco quickly through their shared enjoyment of nature and dinosaurs. It had to be a guy thing. But suddenly, they were painting a picture of the perfect future right in front of me.

Rocco and Zack together, Jian nearby with my mother, and Dino surely wasn’t far away.