“Good girl,” he said softly.

My heart bloomed with appreciation, and I couldn’t keep the smile from my face.


I was falling in love.



“Answer the call.” Dino picked up my phone and handed it to me, pausing our current activity.

“What?” I gasped breathlessly, digging my fingers into his shoulders. He had me in his lap, over one thigh, with a silicone pad strapped to his thigh for me to ride. Dino had been over-excited to play with this new toy he’d ordered, and we’d spent the past twenty minutes kissing deeply while I ground down on every ridge of that toy.

I’d never used a grinding pad before, but it was incredibly erotic, and Dino’s hard cock bumped against my thigh on each grind, telling me just how much pleasure he was getting out of my humping his leg.

“I said, take the call.”

“What… what call?” I gasped, fighting to get my pleasure-addled thoughts back on track.

Dino tutted slowly and placed his free hand on my bare hip. It was a silent instruction to stop moving, so I paused my grinding.

“Your phone has been ringing on and off for the past fifteen minutes and it’s a distraction.”

“Oh.” In my pursuit of pleasure, I hadn’t even heard it. Pushing some sweaty strands away from my forehead, I glanced down at my phone as it lit up once again. “It’s my boss. Can’t we just ignore it?”

I looked up at Dino and noticed the devious twinkle in his eye. We could ignore it, but Dino, for whatever reason, didn’t want to.

Did he want me to answer while we were in the middle of playing? My heart was racing, my body was hot, and my skin was tight like a band stretched too far. My orgasm was slow, rolling in my core, and my climax had been so close before Dino mentioned the call.

“Answer it,” Dino said, and his voice dropped a few octaves. “I won’t ask you again.”

I smirked. “You really think you can order me around?”

Dino jolted his thigh, sending me forward into his chest and making my pussy slide over the grinding pad. Liquid hot pleasure ignited in my core, and I couldn’t silence my moan in time.

“Fuck,” I gasped. “If I answer, you can’t do that. I can’t… I can’t handle it.”

“No promises.” Dino smirked. “Now. Answer.”

I took my phone and hit the answer button with a trembling thumb, then pressed it to my ear.

“Hello?” My voice trembled as much as my thumb. I placed my other hand on Dino’s bare chest, bracing myself as my boss’s dull tones flooded through the phone.

“Mae. I was beginning to get concerned. It’s not like you to not answer your phone.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I was dealing with Zack,” I lied, locking eyes with Dino. “How can I help you?”

“I wanted to reach out to you about your return to work.”

“My what?” Desire still fogged my brain and sane, clear thoughts were a thing of the past.

“The medical leave extension you requested along with your holiday for your mother?” My boss sighed slightly. “That’s nearly up, so I want to know when you will be back in the city. There are a few accounts I’d like to get you assigned to ASAP.”

As my boss spoke, Dino began rocking his thigh back and forth, sending me scorching across the grinding pad with nothing to stabilize myself.

My teeth sank hard into my lower lip to muffle my moans, which Dino seemed to take as a bigger challenge. Both his hands slid up my waist to grasp at my breasts. They were small enough that he could grasp my entire breasts with each palm, and he rubbed his rough palms over my stiff nipples. I clenched my own thighs around his leg and barely bit back a groan.