“So, what, you just left him there for the police and packaged this up as a carjacking because it was cheaper?” I yelled, the anger rising like a suffocating wave. “When have we ever given a shit about that?”
“Money was not as plentiful back then as it is now, and given the unfortunate ties to Keiran and his family, your father made his decision.”
“Ties? What ties?”
Vito didn’t reply. Instead, he fixed me with the terse look I often got from my father, which made me feel small and stupid, like I was incapable of controlling my own life or making the right decisions.
It was the same look he gave me the night he told me my dreams of becoming a mechanic were dead in the water because peace was over, and I had to step up and take responsibility in the family.
“Mae.” Her name slipped from me, hoarse and rough.
“Your father felt that your infatuation with that girl was a risk to the family security at a time of war.” Vito nodded slowly. “And anything that returned you to her orbit would risk your becoming distracted and incompetent. Much like you are now, chasing around that town after her rather than being here and leading this family.”
Rage surged up like a vicious monster and I slammed my hand down onto the desk.
“I am leading this family!” I yelled. “I am the only one fighting to keep us afloat, fighting to find the truth, fighting to comfort my mother and reassure all those who come under us. I am the only one doing everything for everyone else! And you would deny me a touch of respite, of love?”
Vito stood so forcefully that his chair clattered backward, and a red fog clouded my thoughts. This was kept from me, and her family was denied compensation because my father couldn’t trust me to care for her and my family?
They kept me from her? Dino’s hand clutched at my elbow, and it became the only thing holding my rage at bay.
“Family is more important than some old crush,” Vito snapped. “You need to grow up, Rocco. Your father knew that then, and I know it now. You, Rocco, would do well to remember that your responsibilities lie here, at the heart of the Adamis, and not in some forgotten town!”
“Higher!” Zack screamed at the top of his lungs, kicking his legs back and forth while I pushed him on the swing. “Higher!”
I added a little extra strength to my next push, but with Mae by my side, watching closely, I wasn’t going to risk anything crazy. With Rocco and Dino out of town, Mae and Zack were under my care, and I wasn’t going to let anything happen to them, least of all an accident at the park.
“Careful,” Mae warned with a sunny smile on her face as she leaned against one of the swing supports. “If you go any higher, you might fly off and then never come back down. What would I do then?”
Zack’s only response was to scream in joy, and we both laughed. Oh, to have the young, carefree outlook of a child, where the most important thing was how much time you had to play and counting the hours until the school bell rang.
Life got so much more serious as an adult.
We’d spent the day together, fully tiring Zack out in the sand pit, building a whole host of castles up and down the pit. Then we’d had a competition on the climbing bars, which I was kind enough to let Zack win. Now, as the sun set over the trees and turned the duck pond into a basket of sparkling gems, we were winding down on the swings.
Hunger was pulling at my gut, and in between his squeals of excitement, Zack was showing signs of being tired. Soon, it was time to pack up and head home.
“Can I have some ice cream?” Zack asked, taking Mae’s hand and walking between us with bouncing steps.
“Maybe later,” Mae replied. “Grandma’s been cooking a nice dinner for you, and I don’t want to get into trouble for ruining your appetite.”
“But I want ice cream!”
“Well, if you’re nice enough, you can ask Grandma when we’re home. Remember, she’s feeling a little poorly, so you have to be on your best behavior.”
“Is she alright?” I asked Mae after she’d secured Zack into the car. Leaning one arm on the roof of the car, I studied Mae’s beautiful face and watched the faux happiness melt away with a flash of pain.
“She’s just feeling under the weather. I’m not sure if she’s coming down with something or if it’s all the excitement of having Zack with her. It’s been a good holiday, but a long one for someone her age,” Mae explained.
“Time with family is precious,” I replied. “I’m sure she appreciates it.”
“Oh, she does.” Mae chuckled. “What more ammo will she need when it comes to judging me?”
“Isn’t that the truth.”