I’ve noticed the tremors in his hands at times when even he wasn’t aware of them. There have been instances when it’s been clear he had a lapse in his memory while he was talking to us. The kick was watching him shove down a handful of pills when he looked like he was about to go into a seizure. That was at the football game before Christmas.
No one else saw him. Just me.
I was coming out of the locker room after our victory against Houston when I spotted him behind the bleachers at the stadium.
I see a lot I probably shouldn’t see. However, I pride myself on being the observer. Like a wolf, I watch and wait before I strike. When I strike it’s always to take what I want.
All I want from him is my Knighthood, so the old man’s secret is safe with me. Also, I’m not stupid. I know he’d have me killed before I could get the chance to alert anyone to his sickness.
A shit stunt like that would also damage the bonds I’ve managed to form with Caspian. But more importantly Thorne—who I’m sure must be aware of his uncle’s ill-fated state.
Thorne is an ally outside of my friends that I never expected to find at Raventhorn. He has a similar past to me. Thorne lost his parents the same way I lost mine.
He recently got his justice. I’m still searching for mine but at least I know who to look for now.
Thorne is the only one I trust to train me to become stronger. Strong enough to face the motherfuckers who took my family from me. So Aleksander and his secrets are not my concern.
Aleksander starts talking about the schedule for the next few months and my mind drifts to the most interesting part of my plan—the girl.
Sweet little Isabelle in her cute little Lolita dresses is scared shitless of me.
The thought pulls a satisfied smile to my lips.
Last night, as I stood in the rain watching her, she didn’t know what the hell to do with herself.
We must have been about twenty feet apart but I could have been right next to her, watching her beautiful doll-like face freeze in a deadly cocktail of fear and confusion.
I’ve given her reason to be scared of me, but the confused part—that’s the best part.
She’s still trying to figure out what she did to me. She doesn’t know that I know, and it’s possible that she might not even be aware of the impact of her actions. But even if that’s true, that part is irrelevant. It simply doesn’t matter. She still has blood on her hands.
I don’t care how it got there, so I have much in store for little Isabelle Kolyav. I can’t wait to truly start fucking with her.
She hasn’t seen the extent of my fucked-up mind yet.
The meeting progresses and we end it by reciting the Knights pledge, one of the first things my father taught me.
It’s spoken in Old Norse. The language that binds us under the old laws.
My father would have been proud to see me here tonight. He would have been here, too, because he was on the council.
Once the meeting is done, Dmitri, Logan, Alex and I head back to Erebus House, home of the Sigmas, for tonight’s party.
The first two weeks of each new semester are filled with parties and other activities to ease us back into our studies. Classes officially start next week.
By the time we reach Erebus the music is already blaring and the house is filled with students drinking, dancing, guys taking shots off naked girls, and people fucking.
Most high school parties weren’t that different to this so I didn’t get the shocker most people experience when they come here.
As we walk down the corridor people look at us as if we’re gods and they move out of our way.
The respect comes from being part of the elite. And football. Although Logan and Alek aren’t players.
A leggy blonde jumps on Alek’s back when we walk into the game room, and he goes off with her. Good. I need to talk to Dmitri and Logan in private.
I like Alek. I don’t usually like anyone new but he passed our test.