Page 24 of Devious Knight

I didn’t know which was creepier. That self-satisfied smile on his face that told me he was enjoying every minute of fucking with my mind. Or the cold, blank stare I usually get from him. That look that makes me feel like he wants to kill me.

He didn’t move his eyes off me until Michael came back with our drinks. Then, like the other night, Kade just walked away.

Once again I felt like his sole purpose for being there was to make sure I knew that he’s always watching me.

I was already anxious as hell before I saw him. Finding someone staring at you outside your bedroom window will do that to you. If I’d had a box of Valium I would have taken all of it.

The only time I managed to compose my mind was when I was hanging out with Michael.

Annika and Mackenzie dragged me out to the party at The Verge. Sure, I always have fun with them and the others, but the night got even better when Michael started talking to me. It was the closest thing I’d had to a date in several months.

Since Kade started sabotaging my prospects I’ve been dateless, and I worried I was going to go through college with no social life and no hope of meeting anyone.

Michael and I had fun. And I liked him. Who wouldn’t?

He is sexy, isn’t a jerk, and he’s the captain of the basketball team with prospects of playing for the NBA.

He asked me to go to dinner with him Friday night. Of course I said yes. But I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Now that I know Kade saw us I’m sure he’ll do something to stop that date from happening.

Michael might be an alpha like Kade but no one wants trouble with a guy in the elite. Michael also isn’t enroute to becoming a Knight. Kade is. People like Kade are given special privileges.

How do you deal with something like this?

It’s all shit. All of it. It’s juvenile bullshit you expect to experience in high school.

I have five and a half weeks left here. It’s not a lot of time, but after the last few days it feels like I have to wait for centuries.

I don’t know how much more I can take of Kade’s mind games. I’m not weak but this asshole has weakened me.

The other week when I first noticed him watching me I thought I could deal with it, but he’s getting worse.

Finding him outside my bedroom window took things to the next level. So did last night’s stalking. And I don’t think he’s going to stop screwing with me any time soon.

The obvious thing to do is tell someone. Report him. Most people would call the police.

After finding him watching me in my room I was so freaked out I nearly told Annika and Mackenzie. I only stopped myself from saying anything because I didn’t want to make things worse for me.

Annika would tell Thorne. Mackenzie would insist that I report him to the college officials. Both those options would come back to bite me in the ass in the worst way.

Thorne might rough Kade up, and that would only encourage him to take it out on me. And as for the college officials, that’s a big fat no.

Since Chancellor Potalov is preparing for his retirement, any grievances like that have to go straight to Aleksander Ivanov.

I can just imagine Aleksander’s face if I told him about Kade.

The instant I say, “Hey, Aleksander, Kade Gurkovsky is stalking me,” he’d see me as the kid who was trying to make problems for the Knights after her mother died. He’d think I was stirring more trouble.

And of course he would never punish one of his beloved elite members.

Not to mention that Kade is the football team’s star quarterback and from a high-profile Knight family.

I’d end up looking like the villain.

Although Kade is obviously stalking me, I don’t have a leg to stand on.

What’s worse is I still have no idea why he’s behaving like this. If I had a reason, maybe I’d understand.