Page 144 of Devious Knight

That same something is erasing my reservations about him, but my mind keeps going back to the thing that made us enemies in the first place.

The thing I did.

Not knowing what it is continues to weigh so heavily on my mind it’s taken on a life of its own. Kade and I have evolved over the last few weeks, but I want to ask him about it again.

I want to clear the air between us and press that reset button, but just on the bad parts.

I don’t think I can keep going like this without trying.

A little knock sounds on my door.

“Come in, Dad,” I call.

Dad walks in carrying a steaming mug of hot chocolate, and I straighten. He’s made his deluxe hot chocolate, so there’s whipped cream, marshmallows, and chocolate sprinkles adorning the top of the cup.

“Here you go, printsessa.”

As he hands it to me, I feel like a real princess. “Thank you, Dad. This is just what I needed.”

“I thought it might cheer you up.”

“You were right.” I sip on the chocolate and relish its sweetness. It definitely hits the spot, giving me a taste of home and happy memories of the countless times Dad has made this for me in the past.

Dad grins and sits opposite me on the edge of the bed. Although he’s smiling, worry ladens his expression. “Sweetheart, I’ve been thinking that perhaps you should come back to New York with me. Just for a little while. I’m sure you could get some emergency leave.”

“There’s so much to do. I’m not sure I can take a break.” Although I could definitely do with one.

“So much has happened to you in such a short space of time.”

I can’t argue with that. A lot has happened to me. There’s been something every single week, culminating into this big blowup this week. And it’s only Thursday. “What about a few days?”

“Can I think about it?”

“Isabelle.” His tone is almost chiding.

“Dad. I think I’d be sitting in New York worrying myself about everything.” Everything means Parker.

Now that I’ve had time to think, my little idea to keep an eye on him sounds even better. Life would certainly be easier for me if he weren't at Raventhorn. I’m sure having an affair with a student is enough grounds to get rid of his ass no matter who he is. I still plan to do my work, but this will be a side quest.

He sighs, cocks his head, and gives me a weary look. “I can’t tell you how worried I was when I got the call from the hospital. I just left you here hours before. I was heading to L.A.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

“I am sorry, though. I feel like I should have exercised better judgment.”

“You weren’t to know what was going to happen. I’m just glad I was able to get back to you. I would have been here sooner if I could. But I’m grateful you weren’t alone.” He searches my eyes.

Dad was very surprised to find Kade at the hospital with me. He was cordial and grateful, but I knew we’d be having a conversation about him later.

Later seems to be now.

I set the cup down and hug my knees up to my chest. “Are you going to ask me about Kade?”

“Yes. Is he one reason you don’t want to come back to New York with me?”

“Maybe.” How the tables have turned. At one point, I would have run far away from Kade. Now I can’t wait to see him again.