Page 82 of Tempting God

She nods. “That sounds like a great idea.”

We’re outside less than ten minutes later, even though it’s early in the morning. Luckily, there’s a park across the street from the hotel. We walk until we find an empty bench. Our security stays a respectful distance away, though still close enough to help if we need them.

I say, “If the room is bugged, then the fucker knows about your appointment with your doctor.”

Her face pales. “That didn’t even cross my mind.”

“How would you feel about seeing a doctor in Denver?”

“Do you think it’d be safe?”

“As safe as seeing your regular doctor. Only we’ll have the element of surprise behind us.”

She looks off into the distance before nodding.

“Let’s do it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Like you said, we’ll have the element of surprise behind us.”

“I’ll have Somya make the arrangements.” I pause. “I also want to pick your brain about something.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’ve been thinking about why the GOP hasn’t officially announced that I’m their candidate.”

“Is that what had you tossing and turning all night?”

“Sorry about that.”

She waves her hand at me. “Don’t be sorry. My own thoughts kept me awake.”

“Want to talk about it?”

“Not until you tell me why you wanted to pick my brain.”

“Fair enough.” I say, “I think I’m going to drop out of the GOP race and announce that I’m running as an Independent.”

She doesn’t look a bit surprised.

“I think that might be a good idea. Charles won’t see it coming and it will free you from the agenda that you and the GOP never saw eye to eye on.”

“How are you so fucking perfect?”

She grins. “You really are lucky to have me.”

I know she thinks she’s joking, but I’m serious.

“I mean it, Greer. You’re brilliant and I’m so lucky to have you at my side.”

“The feeling is mutual, Mr. President.” She stands. “Let’s go. I’m sure Corbin is going to need a moment to gather his composure when you break the news to him.”

I laugh, taking her hand.

“Maybe we should make sure there are smelling salts on hand.”
