Page 57 of Tempting God

“So, you’re okay with it?”

“As long as we end up on the beach together, I’m fine with it, Grant.”

“Fuck, you’re making me hard with all that dirty talk.”

Her laugh rings out like bells. “You’re such a nerd.”

“Your nerd, Little Fae. Okay, I’m going to get off here. I’ll email you the updated flight info. See you in Dallas, baby.”

“See you soon, Grant.”

Guilt courses through me. Greer understands the Brotherhood better than anyone, but that doesn’t mean she’s ready for this leap.

I call Charles Blanc, hoping he answers. Thankfully, he does.


“Don’t tell Greer about your plan yet.”

“And give you time to back out? I think not.”

“Blanc, you owe me this much. Let me be the one to speak to her.”

He finally says, “Fine.”

I’m glaring as he ends the call. Fucking prick.

Somya peeks her head into my office. “Everything okay, boss?”

“I need you to find the best jeweler in Dallas and have him brought to me discreetly.”

Her gaze is full of question, but she simply nods. “On it.”

That’s what I like about Somya. She will get the job done no matter what it is. Corbin, on the other hand, likes to think things out, weighing his options before asking a shit ton of questions. That’s not what I need right now. I need someone who will have a solution by the end of the day. Especially since tomorrow is my induction ceremony.

Twenty-four hours later, I stand in a room alone at a mansion the Brotherhood uses for meetings and ceremonies just like this. It’s strange to think that there have been two others in this room in less than eight months. And we still don’t know who started it all by killing DeLeon. My hand goes to the back of my neck, rubbing. Am I putting Greer in danger? It’s true that I can’t stop this induction ceremony. And becoming an Elite Member puts an even bigger target on my back. What if I can’t protect Greer? The thought makes my stomach churn and I have to take in several deep breaths to calm myself. But not marrying her puts her at risk, too.


I can’t let anything happen to her, so my answer is clear.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. I finish the tumbler of vodka just as the doors swing open.

“It’s time, Brother Carter.”

I nod, setting my glass aside.

It’s strange. I was young when I joined the Brotherhood, full of hopes and dreams. Over time, those dreams have become jaded. Through it all, the Brotherhood has been there, guiding me. Now it’s my turn to guide others beneath me. All because one fucker couldn’t stay in his lane.

I make my way to the center of the auditorium where Blanc waits. Along the way, I pass the other Elite Members. Moretti. Henderson. Jones. Jones looks blankly ahead as I pass. When I reach Blanc, I hold out my hand, palm up, letting him slice my skin as he goes through the ritual that has been performed over hundreds of years.

Before I know it, the ceremony is done, and I find myself in the gathering room with other members of the Brotherhood.

But there’s one person here who doesn’t belong.

Walt Ryans stands next to Charles Blanc, smiling like he has every right to be here.

Moretti comes to my side, handing me a glass of vodka. I take it, bringing it to my lips.