Page 55 of Tempting God

Is it terrible that I don’t remember any of those women? Lana maybe stands out, but I might be mistaking her for someone else, like Violet.

I sigh. “Set up meetings with each of them. And any other potential candidate that you find worthy.”

Somya blinks again. “Are you sure, sir?”


Anything to give me some time to come up with an actual plan. One that won’t destroy Greer.

“I’ll have meetings set up by tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

Both leave my office, closing the door behind them.


This is really happening.

My phone rings, and I glance at the screen.

As if this day could get any worse…

“This is Carter.”

“Carter,” Blanc greets. “How is your evening going?”

“It’s been eventful, as I’m sure you’ve heard.”

“I have heard, which is why I’m calling. Zhang is dead. Congratulations, Elite Member Carter.”


“Also, while I have you on the phone, it’s time for you to find a wife. And I have just the person in mind.”

Double fuck.

“Who?” I rasp.

“Greer Blanc, my cousin.”

Triple fuck.

“What did Zhang do?”

“He was trying to pull a coup.” Blanc lets out a bitter laugh. “My oldest friend was going to have me killed. Couldn’t even be man enough to do it himself.”

My mind is racing.

“As an Elite Member, I assume this means I have the support of the Brotherhood in the upcoming election.”

There’s a long pause that has me gripping my phone.

Finally, Blanc says, “Walt has always been a good friend of the Brotherhood.”

“But not a member,” I reply smoothly. “I, on the other hand, have served the Defiant God Brotherhood for over twenty years.”

Blanc says, “Yes, I’m aware, but times are uncertain. I can only say that I’m sure there are members within the Brotherhood who will support you.”