It’s been three weeks since I’ve seen Greer.
She’s all I think about.
I wake up each morning, reaching for her.
I go to bed each night, wishing she was there.
Even knowing I get to see her next week is not enough.
I’ve got it bad for her.
Corbin and Somya both glance at me at the same in the uncanny way that they have. They’ve worked together for so long that they’re in sync with each other, and I’m sure they’ve noticed the shift in my mood. Corbin is likely trying to analyze what caused it, while Somya is trying to stay ahead of the phantom issue.
Somya says, “Mr. Carter, it’s time for photos. Once you’re finished, we can go back to the hotel and discuss the next event.”
“Have the numbers come in for the day?”
Corbin glances at her before answering, “Not yet, sir.”
Which means they have, and my team just doesn’t want to tell me. My numbers have been declining all week. It seems Walt Ryans’ smear campaign against me is working. Even tonight at my fundraiser, I’ve sensed a shift in support. And I don’t fucking like it.
I say, “Let’s take these photos and get out of here.”
Somya leads the way. I smile and shake hands for the next thirty minutes. By the time we get back to the hotel, a dull ache has formed behind my eyes.
Corbin pulls out his phone, scrolling as we walk.
“Numbers are in.”
He clears his throat, making me bite back a curse.
“How far behind am I?”
“You’ve slipped four points. We’re certain you can recover in Denver.”
The rally in Denver is a day after I get back from my trip to Mexico with Greer. A trip I still haven’t told my team about…
Somya nods. “Corbin is right. Four points isn’t the end of the world.”
“Was it Ryans’ speech?”
They share a look before Somya says, “Yes, sir.”
That fucking prick. The fact that I’m single is the only thing he can dig up on me. I would have never thought it would end up being such a big deal to the voters.
Corbin adds, “As we said, we’re certain you’ll recover in the polls in Denver. Somya is working on a counter response to air in the meantime.”
I nod, stepping into the lift. My thoughts are all over the place and keep going back to Greer. She’s the only thing that makes sense in my life, and I’m not sure what to do about that fact.
When the doors open, I spot a woman stumbling from a room. The look of terror on her face has me moving out of pure instinct. As I get closer, I realize I know her. It’s Hannah Henderson, Brooks’ wife.
“Hannah? Are you okay?”
She chokes out, “No. I’m not! I think Brooks is in danger!”