Patrick had never been one of those brothers that thought no one was good enough for his sister or that he had to protect her from the entire male species. He’d always gotten along with her boyfriends and even joked that he felt sorry for any man she ended up with because his sister was a force of nature. Patrick had also joked that he felt sorry for whoever ended up with Kade but not because he was a force of nature. He knew why his friend felt that way. It wasn’t like Kade had the best track record when it came to relationships.
Kade’s relationships usually ended in tears. An image that would haunt him forever was that of his first love, Kennedy, sobbing in her prom dress in the gazebo at Foster Pond. His only serious relationship didn’t end with a promise to always be friends, either. Last he heard, his ex-fiancée was selling her four-carat, princess-cut engagement ring on eBay. It was clear that he wasn’t the guy that a brother would want their sister to end up with. He was the guy that they hoped their sister never brought home.
He’d kept his feelings for Ali under wraps for seven years out of respect for both Patrick and Ali and he planned on continuing doing just that. It would’ve been bad enough when Patrick was alive for him to find out that Kade was in love with his sister, but now that he was gone…it felt like a betrayal of the lowest kind.
His best friend, the man that had been like a brother to him was gone and Kade couldn’t stop thinking about his sister. His mind flooded with memories of how right she’d felt in his arms the night before. How close he came to kissing her. Fuck. He was supposed to be here to take care of Ali, not fuck her. He needed to remember that.
He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as his phone buzzed. A goofy grin spread across his face when he saw it was a message from Ali.
Running to a meeting. There’s leftover pizza in the fridge.
He stared at the text.
A meeting?
It was seven o’clock on a Sunday night. What meeting could she be going to? Although to be fair, he’d just finished a meeting on a Sunday night so maybe he wasn’t one to talk.
Since Ali was going to be out, he figured he better get back to the twins. They were old enough to be alone, he just wasn’t sure he trusted KJ unsupervised this long. He tossed his coffee and started toward the door when he heard his name.
He turned and saw Nancy Peterson motioning for him to wait for her as she hustled his way. Nancy held a very special distinction in his life.
The momentous day occurred on the Fourth of July and he’d been on the banks of the lake waiting for the fireworks to start when two real-life boobs magically appeared a few inches from his face. She’d flashed the entire south side of the shore, whooping and hooting as she did. He was nine at the time and he remembered thinking it was the greatest thing ever. Now, looking back through the lens of an adult and an addict, he saw that she wasn’t just having a good time. She’d probably been plastered and didn’t even remember it.
She was a little out of breath by the time she made it over to him. “Hey, I was just wondering if you’d seen your dad since you’ve been back in town.”
It wasn’t the first time he’d been asked that question since coming back. George McKnight was far from a pillar in the community, but he was a part of it anyway. And Whisper Lake took care of their own, even if their own were drunks.
“Yeah.” Kade felt a familiar tension build in his shoulders.
“Good.” She nodded and pursed her lips. “How did he seem?”
“Sick,” Kade stated flatly.
“But he wasn’t…was he drinking?”
He opened his mouth to say that of course he was, his dad was always drinking, but then he stopped himself. He searched his memory of that day. There’d been a lot of pills on the tray beside him, but no bottles. Some empty soda cans on the coffee table, but no bottles. A dried up, half-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the counter, but no bottles. A couple two liters of distilled water beside his recliner, but no alcohol bottles.
Now that he thought about it, he realized that the trailer had smelled like cat piss and stale cigarettes but he hadn’t caught a whiff of dragon breath. That’s what he’d called it when his dad’s breath wreaked of alcohol because when Kade was a kid one of his dad’s friends told him that if his dad put a lighter in front of his mouth, he could spit fire.
Nancy explained, “I’m only asking because I’m his sponsor. I was supposed to go out there last week, but Stan got the flu and…”
She continued talking but Kade heard nothing after the word sponsor.
“You’re my dad’s sponsor?”
“Yeah. And since he’s been too sick to come to meetings, I go out there a couple of times a week. I’ve never missed a week and I was worried when I didn’t hear from him that he might have…”
His dad was sober? George McKnight was sober?
All of Kade’s life, his dad had made promises of stopping. He’d been in and out of rehab, which was usually court ordered, but nothing ever stuck.
“When did he get sober?” Kade interrupted her.
“About three years ago.”
Three years? That’s when the doctors had given him six months to live.