I roll her over and kiss her until her lips are swollen and my dick is hard pressed up against her.
“What does mi querido jefe mean?”
She grins at me. “All this time, and you don’t know what it means? Really?”
“All this time? It hasn’t been that long.” It has, though, maybe not in days or minutes or hours, but life before Isabella was a lifetime ago.
“It’s been long enough,” she says with a wink. “Mi querido jefe means ‘my dear boss.’”
Jesus. I should’ve studied Spanish. “You’ve been calling me ‘your boss’ this whole time? Is this some kind of joke?” I flop back down on the sand beside her, scattering some across her skin.
“Hey! It’s not my fault you don’t know the most basic Spanish.”
“Excuse me? Are you sassing your husband again?” I quirk an eyebrow at her. She turns on her elbow and gives me a curious look, lifting her own brow in return.
“Depends. What are you going to do about it?”
“Obviously, I’m going to lift you up off that towel, carry you over to that dock, and toss you in the water. What the fuck else would I do? Brat.”
She gets up on all fours, and I stifle a moan when she does one of those yoga moves she did in the studio, lifting her neck and arching her back like a kitten. Fuck, she’s gorgeous.I forgot what the hell she calls that move, but I know this is just a distraction. She wants me to see her tits in that tiny little top and her gorgeous ass just begging to be smacked.
I groan. “What the fuck are you doing?” I push myself up to my knees.
And then she’s on her feet and off at a run, and I’m cursing behind her because she’s smaller than I am but faster, by a lot. Doesn’t mean I won’t fucking catch her. We’re both good at this game.
Sand flies beneath her bare feet as she screams and runs the length of the beach. I follow behind her. Even as I chase her, I know deep down in my soul, I will never actually catch her. It will always be her and me together, fighting for survival, and there will always be a chase.
There’s not a submissive bone in Isabella’s body, and I’m fucking loving it. I love the way she poses such a challenge to me. I love the way she runs. I love chasing her.
Finally, I get a break. She trips, and it slows her down for a moment, giving me the chance to catch her. I bend my knees, toss my shoulder into her torso, and slap my hand across her little ass. She squeals and giggles. I love the sound of her giggling. For someone who’s been through so much, she’s incredibly resilient. She lives life with such gusto, and I absolutely love that.
I march to the dock with her over my shoulder. “Now you’ve done it.”
"Put me down!" She slaps my back.
“You want me to put you down?”
"Lev! What are you doing?" she screams.
"You know exactly what I'm doing." I walk down the dock toward the water. She fights me, kicking and screaming and pushing at me, but I don't let her go. Not until we get to the end of the dock. I smack her thigh, which makes her squeal, then slide her down off my shoulder and cradle her in my arms so I can kiss her. "You're so beautiful," I say with a smile before I rear back and fling her. She flails and screams, then splashes into the water before she comes up sputtering for air.
"You jerk!" she screams, her soaking wet hair straggling in her face. "That isn't fair!" She paddles, splashing at me, but I have the advantage up on the dock. "Come on in, Lev,” she croons. She's so pretty with her hair hanging about her beautiful face, water dripping off her. She could be on a postcard for a beach vacation.
"Let’s go,” she says. "The water is fine, you asshole."
I lean back, enjoying the view, when suddenly her face contorts, and she screams. “Something bit me!"
I dive into the water after her without a second thought. Suddenly, I see a jellyfish swimming away, and panic surges through me. I yank her out of the water and swim to the dock. Her leg has a red, swollen mark where the tentacles touched. I quickly swim to her, cradling her in my arms as I bring her back to shore.
"Hold on, Isabella," I murmur, my voice shaking with worry. "I've got you."
She winces in pain, her breath coming in sharp gasps. "It hurts, Lev. Fuck, it really hurts.” Isabella has a high pain tolerance, but a full-on jellyfish sting is brutal.
I lay her gently on the dock, quickly inspecting the sting. "I know. We need to neutralize the venom." I remember reading about jellyfish stings and the best way to treat them. I toss sand on her leg and rub to get rid of any residual tentacles, but I must get her back to the resort for first aid supplies.
I make quick work of carrying her back, and she’s brave about it. I can feel the tension from the pain, but she doesn’t whisper a word of complaint.
“What do you do for this?”