Page 4 of Shackled

“Who else is here tonight?” Ollie walks beside me, our steps muted on the damp forest floor. A light rain punctuates the cold autumn night, the drops spattering on Ollie’s leather jacket as we approach the entrance to our abandoned warehouse. Nestled deep in the woods, far from any main highway, this location ensures the privacy and discretion we need. In the distance, the faint scent of smoke mingles with the damp moss, hinting at a campfire.

“Everyone,” I reply, my voice low but firm. Ollie’s brows shoot up silently, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. It’s rare for all of us to gather like this. Viktor received a disturbing message recently, and when he relayed it to Mikhail, our pakhan, the alarm was sounded. We were all summoned back to The Cove.

A crackling sound to my left catches my attention. I swivel sharply, my eyes scanning the dimly lit surroundings. “Just an animal,” Ollie mutters. To anyone else, that might not be reassuring, but I’d rather face a black bear or a poisonous snake than one of our enemies.

No one knows about this hideout, and we intend to keep it that way. Years ago, this warehouse was used ostensibly for repairing heavy machinery and industrial equipment, a plausible cover for its remote location and the noise it generated. Its real purpose was far more clandestine: a covert arms manufacturing and assembly plant. After my father’s death, we acquired it through a friend of a friend. A gift, he said.

As we approach the entrance, I spot Aleksandr’s large black truck, nearly hidden in the shadows. Now I know how everyone else arrived. Aleks, our second-in-command and tech genius, and his wife share a home in The Cove. The young guard Aleks hired stands sentry by the main door. I nod to him, and he returns the gesture. If anything were amiss, we’d know by now.

Ollie steps aside, allowing me to access the security panel. I slide my thumb along the identification screen, casting one last glance over my shoulder as Ollie does the same. It’s instinctual by now, ensuring we weren’t followed. The screen flashes green, and the door unlocks. I push it open, bracing myself for what lies ahead.

“Stay sharp,” I whisper to Ollie. “We don’t know what’s waiting for us inside.” Could be just my brothers. Could be someone they brought, or several someones. We can’t afford to let our guards down.

Inside, the warehouse is dimly lit, shadows stretching across the concrete floor. The familiar scent of oil and metal hangs in the air, a reminder of its original purpose. We move quietly, every step calculated. This is our domain, but I never let my guard down.

Aleks is already here, hunched over a table covered with maps and documents. He looks up as we enter, his sharp eyes flickering with recognition and concern.

“Mikhail’s waiting,” he says, his voice a low rumble. “We need to move quickly.”

I nod, my mind racing. The message Viktor received was cryptic but alarming. Something big is coming, and we need to be ready.

“Lev. Ollie.” My brothers nod their greetings, one at a time. We nod back but don’t have time to fuck around.

“Let’s get to work,” I say, taking my place at the table. My brothers gather closer, each of us falling into our roles seamlessly. Mikhail, the leader, big brother to all. Aleksandr, second in command and fiercely protective, he monitors any cyber threat against our family. Viktor, our family bodyguard, Nikko our personal assassin.

This is our family, our legacy. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect it.

Under the dim overhead lighting, my oldest brother Mikhail’s golden-brown hair nearly covers his eyes, his tanned skin showcasing ink that marks him as Bratva. I feared him as a kid, and for good reason, but now that we’re all grown, it’s different. Still, Mikhail will be our leader for life.

“Someone paid Viktor a visit,” Mikhail says.


Mikhail jerks his head toward Viktor, who tugs one of the folding chairs over and sits down. It sags under his weight.Beside him, our older brother Nikko jerks his chin in greeting and folds his massive arms across his chest. Nikko was the one who taught me and Ollie how to shoot. He’s an excellent teacher and an even better marksman. But in matters of strategy, he prefers to take a backseat and observe.

Viktor scowls. “Lydia and I had a visit from none other than Isabella Morales.”

I nod. The Los Sangre Dorada Cartel, or LSD, is one of the most-feared cartels in all the Americas. A visit from Isabella is not good news, though it would be fucking disastrous if her brother Javier paid us a visit. Especially for me.


“She said our enemies are closer than we think. Said we need to pull everyone in, close to home.”

Ollie scowls. “And this is why you had me come home from Moscow?”

Mikhail nods. “We wanted to check the veracity of her statement before we made any assumptions or moves.”

Ollie watches everyone thoughtfully but doesn’t speak.

“Closer than we think,” I repeat. “Does she mean a mole?”

“Possibly, yes, or she could mean her brother is planning an attack,” Aleks says thoughtfully.

“Oh, she said that, too.” Viktor scowls. “And she said when he does attack, it will be swift and merciless.”

“Now that I believe,” Mikhail says, leaning back in his chair, his eyes dark but thoughtful. “Javier Morales knows exactly what he is doing. There’s a reason we don’t fuck around with any of them, even though an alliance would serve us well.”

My mind whirs, adrenaline sharpening my thoughts as I try to slide details into place like a jigsaw puzzle. “Javier Morales is stationed in Colombia. Has he been sighted anywhere near here?”