Page 15 of Shackled

Mmm. My captor has a kink streak. Of course he does.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Next to the punching bag are a few more suspension hooks, likely intended for hanging punching bags originally, but they for sure can be used to suspend a person. Those weight benches have leather straps attached, the kind someone might use to hold a foot in place for a workout, but I am confident he could use those for another purpose as well.

I look around and note medicine balls and that pulley system near the resistance bands could be put to good use. In the corner is a water filter.

The dual-purpose nature of this room is clear. I’m not sure if he’s ever previously used it for what he’s going to do to me, but he’s absolutely thought about it before.

It’s too bad I’m not the interrogator. I could have some fun here.

I swallow, suddenly nervous, when he brings me over to the punching bag. “Alright, now. Let’s get to work.”

My heart beats faster. My mouth feels dry. I remind myself that it’s essential to stay calm and not let fear best me. I blink rapidly, breathing in through my nose and out of my mouth so I stay focused.

“Stand,” he barks. “If you try anything, I’ll tase you, so don’t get any ideas.”

Ah, I’m that much of a threat, am I? Excellent.

I stand and nod. “Going to check for bugs?” I ask, wagging my brows at him.

He purses his lips and holds my gaze. “Mmm.”

“I told you I have none, but if that’s how you want to start this party, let’s go.” I wink at him.

With a frown, he stands me in front of him and reaches into the waistband of his pants. I watch as he draws out a blade.

God. Am I slipping? How did I miss that before? I swallow hard as he approaches me with it, slicing through my disguise until it falls to ribbons at my feet.

“You weren’t lying,” he says, almost surprised when I stand before him in just that band around my chest, no underwear.

I shrug. “Why wear underwear? They only get in the way if you catch my drift.”

He doesn’t take the bait but flicks the blade and presses it to the bottom of the band. I draw in a sharp breath as he slices clean through it. Damn, that’s one sharp blade. I can’t help but shiver when it grazes my skin, but he leaves me fully intact.

The band falls to the floor, and my full breasts swing free. My nipples pebble when he draws closer, and his breath tickles my skin.

“Thank God,” I say in a thick voice, affected by his nearness and the threat of a blade. “Lucky for you, you’ll never know the torture of wearing a bra, and that little torture device was about a hundred times worse.”

“Stand still,” he snaps. “And be quiet, or I’ll gag you again.”

I sigh and nod. I’d give him a yes, sir, just to mock him, but he told me to be quiet.

Now for the fun part.

He removes something small and compact from the bag on his front step. Ah. It looks like some kind of a scanner or some such device that you might find at an airport.

“You’re strong,” he says thoughtfully. “I’d bet most of the equipment here’s familiar to you.”

I nod. It is, and I’m not allowed to talk. Not that I follow rules all the time, but there’s a time and a place, and I need to keep up my energy, so I don’t miss anything. My stomach growls with hunger.

“Hungry? Good. That might come in useful.”


Well, lucky for me, I’m well versed in fasting, so he can starve me, and I’ll be fine. If he keeps me from water, though…

Taking the device in hand, he scans from the top of my head down the side of my face until he reaches my neck. He carefully scans my neck. It emits a soft hum as he runs it over my body, the screen lighting up as he goes. This is some high-tech shit.