Page 31 of The Boss' Pet

“I don’t know why you felt the need to test me immediately, and in such a dangerous way, but I can promise you that you will regret it.”

He doesn’t understand. And that’s a good thing. He assumes I’m an unhinged idiot, and not that I just had something better to do. He doesn’t think I was up to anything. He just thinks I wanted to rebel. He thinks I wanted to get myself in trouble.

“Ow!” I gasp again as the third hard slap lands. “I’m sorry, Master!”

It’s not as hard to say that as I thought it would be. I figured I’d cringe internally and not be able to get that word out, but right now, I’d say anything to stop this spanking which feels incredibly humiliating—and in an entirely different way than being chipped and put in a cage feels humiliating.

The pet stuff is some kind of thing he’s into, obviously. But this isn’t anything he’s into. He’s spanking me like a spoiled brat because he disapproves of my behavior.

It’s not sexual. It’s not pretending to be sexual. It’s just a straight up punishment, and it really hurts.

“You’re not nearly as sorry as you are going to be,” he promises me. “You were given much more than fair warning. You were given explicit orders. You have not taken me seriously, Charlie. That will prove to be a significant mistake.”

He’s mad. I can hear it in his voice, and I can feel it in the way he’s holding me. Firmly, snugly. As if he doesn’t want to let me go.

In addition to the pain, and the shame, I’m starting to notice other feelings. Feelings like, surprise. It has been a long time since anybody cared where I was or what I was doing. Sure, my friends worry about me from time to time, but even when I was a kid, nobody ever noticed when I disappeared.

There was one time, before I was even a teenager, that I left home for a week. I caught a bus and went to the nearest city to see if I could join the circus. Turned out circuses don’t actually let you join them just because you want to. Anyway, I got back home, and my mother hadn’t actually noticed I was missing.

To have it noticed that I was gone this quickly, and to have been found so swiftly is wild.

“Do you have anything to say for yourself?” He pauses with his hand resting on my hot, sore ass.

The first thing that comes to mind, and to my mouth, is something that doesn’t sound like a good excuse at all. I say it anyway, because saying something feels better than saying nothing.

“I didn’t know you really meant it.”

He pulls me up. The limited amount of space in the back of the car means I end up on my knees on the seat next to him. My ass is still bare, and rests against the back of my calves.

“You thought a man like me says things he doesn’t mean?”

“I think most people say things they don’t mean,” I say, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

His cheek twitches. “That can be true. But in this case, when I’m talking, and I’m talking about you, you can assume I mean what I say.”

“Of course. I’m sorry. I didn’t actually disbelieve you. I just… I did something. I’m used to doing things.”

“That’s a caliber of excuse that will get you nowhere, though there’s no excuse that would have worked. I’m sure you are used to doing things, as you put it. But my pet needs to do what she’s allowed to do within the parameters I set.”

“Can’t you control someone else? Why me?”

My questions come from a very real place of confusion. I’m attractive enough, but I’m not make-a-billionaire-go-nuts-for-me-instantly hot. I know that. I can be realistic about my appearance. That means there’s something else about me he’s into. Maybe.

“You’ve caught my eye,” he says. “It might not be easy to be mine, but I know it will be better for you than the life you were living before me. Lie back down over my lap.”

I bite my lip nervously, as if I have a choice. “Are you going to spank me again?”

He smiles, his eyes dark with an intention to do all sorts of things to me.

“I might,” he says. “If I did, you’d take it, wouldn’t you, pet?”

Fuck. There’s a part of me that wishes I had the nerve to open the door behind me and just reverse somersault right the hell out of this car. Marcus is predatory, and I am starting to think he is doing this precisely because I don’t want it.

I bet he’s surrounded by women who would give anything to be in this position. And that’s why they’re not in it. It’s no fun keeping people captive if they want to be kept captive. You’ve got to get someone who hates it. Someone who fights back. Someone who gets themselves into trouble. Someone you can pin down over your knee and spank hard for as long as you like because she has nobody in her corner as far as you know.

He smooths his palm over my sore ass, rubbing me intimately, taking some of the sting away for a brief moment.

“I don’t know what to make of you, Charlie,” he muses. “I thought you were being a naughty pet, trying to get yourself in trouble, but you seem almost confused by your own actions—and you’re certainly confused by mine, aren’t you.”