“The problem with you is you’re a privileged asshole.”
I might have to tone this back if I want him to keep me around, or not evict me. The sassy act probably has its limits.
“You’re going to pay for every single one of these little jibes,” Marcus says. “So you can say what you like now, but I am telling you that you will regret it.”
There’s a smirk on his face that indicates I might regret it, but he will enjoy it. I’m in trouble of a very specific kind.
“I want to see you this evening,” he says.
I hesitate. “You just told me I’m going to regret spending time with you, and now you want me to spend time with you. Do I seem stupid?”
“No. You seem curious and foolhardy,” he says. “My car will pick you up at eight.”
With that, he turns and leaves, closing the door quietly behind him. I want to storm after him and slam it just for my own edification, but I resist the urge. The last thing Marcus Waterstone needs to know is that I am a huge brat. I’ve got to try a little harder to play the submissive.
But first, I have to make some progress writing my article. I reach for my laptop, but the memory of Marcus standing there, smirking at me and at it, makes me hesitate. It doesn’t feel private anymore. Nothing feels private anymore. My apartment and life have been thoroughly invaded. That means if I want any kind of privacy, I’m going to have to make it for myself.
Pushing my laptop aside, I reach for the drawer underneath the counter and pull out an old fashioned yellow ruled pad, along with a ballpoint pen.
And I start writing.
I’m not sure what to expect when I arrive to pick Charlie up. Will she be defiantly wearing sweats and unprepared to come out? I know she hasn’t left the building all day. My watchers have kept me apprised of her movements. She’s been indoors. She’s given absolutely nothing away. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she rebuffed my invitation. She can’t look at me without rebellion sparking in those pretty brown eyes.
I draw my car up outside her building and step out. To my surprise, I do not have to look far for her. She is standing outside, wearing a short black skirt and a long black coat, with boots that go all the way up to her thighs. That combination could bring any man to his knees. Looking at her feels like taking a kick to the gut.
She really is beautiful. She has well-defined features, a strong nose with a little crook in it. I can imagine her younger and breaking that in some ill-fated scrape. Her eyes are piercing and wounded at the same time. She could come across as a little too businesslike, I suppose, if you didn’t see what I see. There’s something about Charlie Crown that is ever so slightly feral—and this place she lives in reflects that. An alley cat has to live in an alley.
Her makeup is simple, but effective. Lips. Eyes. What else is there? She has been chewing on her lower lip, but she stops that when she sees me. She also straightens up and stands taller, meeting my gaze without the slightest hint of weakness or shame. It’s hard to imagine that she ran out of my building just last night in a complete state. This is a strong woman, one who knows how to recoup. That’s important, given what I’m intending on doing to her.
“Good girl,” I say, approving.
A light flush appears on her face, and she tries not to look too pleased at that praise.
“You’re here right on time, and you’re ready to go out.”
“I didn’t know where we were going, so I didn’t know how to dress,” she says. “I hope it’s not a formal ball or anything.”
“You’d look perfect no matter where we went.”
Again, she tries not to look too pleased.
“You’re flattering me,” she says. “I have to wonder why.”
“Because I’m pleased with you, and when I am pleased, I let people know. You’ve been very well behaved so far this evening, which is quite a change. I’m going to reward you for that.”
“Oh?” She arches a brow.
I get into the car with him and wonder if I’ll ever see my apartment again. There’s something about Marcus that makes me pretty certain I could end up captive somewhere with very little notice. That something is mostly the fact that he more or less outright said as much. He makes these little threats, and I ignore them because I feel as though I am on the trail of something bigger than I could ever have imagined. I’ve already learned a lot about Marcus.
I’ve learned that he has a penchant for punishing women, and I know that he’ll use his cock as a disciplinary implement too.
“You wanted to see my world,” he says. “My personal world. Tonight, I am going to take you there.”