Page 27 of The Boss' Pet

“You’re tired,” he says, stating the obvious.

The sun is rising. I was too distracted by him to notice the way the glimmer of light on the horizon had steadily been growing brighter and brighter. It’s not until the sky turns a deep red and orange, silhouetting the skyline against it that I appreciate the incredible view from this place. I thought we were too low to see much, but there’s a gap between buildings that creates a canyon-like vista.

I can see the sun emerging and reflecting off of thousands of panes of glass between here and the horizon. It is an incredible view, almost hallowed in some way.


“Hm?” I turn back to him, almost having forgotten he was there at all.

“Bedtime,” he says more firmly.

“Oh. Sorry.”

I’m apologizing because the ache in my ass is being reignited by his expression. I know better than to cross or question this man right now.

“The bedroom is through this door,” he says. I wonder for a brief, crazy moment how he knows, but of course he does. He bought this place. I wonder if he came to look at it himself, or if he just looked at the floor plan. I wonder if he picked out the furniture…

I stop wondering about the answer to that question as he opens the bedroom door, ushering me into a room that contains not just a bed—but a bed inside a luxuriously and meticulously crafted crate. Big bars rise from the base of the bed and run all around it. There are doors at each side, and at the end of the bed. I’d call it easy access, but that’s got to be a misnomer.

“I can’t sleep in that.”

“Of course you can. I like to know my pet is nice and safe in her crate at night.”

“But what if I need to go to the bathroom?”

“You’ll go before you get in, of course. Don’t worry. You’ll be let out in the morning.”

“But… what? Let out?” I stare at him, horrified. “You can’t lock me away in a crate and leave me here all night by myself.”

“Of course I would never do that. That would be unsafe. There are cameras in this room, and there is a handler ready to come and get you out if you need to be taken out. Don’t worry, Charlie. I’m not going to let any harm come to my pet.”

“A handler? What handler?”

“You will likely never need to meet them, but I can promise you, they will be there for you if you do. I am not always available in a given moment to attend to my pet myself. If you need to be walked or toileted, I will have a professional handle that.”

“I don’t want anybody coming near me,” I frown.

“A good pet has to be well-socialized,” he replies. “I don’t want you becoming entirely un-handleable by anybody else. I want a well-behaved pet.”

Oh. Right. He’s insane.

It’s easy to forget that because so much of what he does is hot, but Marcus is completely unhinged. He is not kidding right now. Not even a little bit. He wants me to climb into this bed cage and sleep while completely locked away and vulnerable. He’s not even going to be here with me. He’s putting me away in some kind of kennel, and he’s leaving me in the care of strangers I don’t know and haven’t met.

“Please, just let me sleep in the cage, but have the doors open? That’s how you train puppies,” I say. “You don’t just put them in a cage and shut the door and leave. You let them get comfortable and confident first.”

Marcus smiles at me, and I know that I made the right choice by buying into his little pet fantasy. I’m speaking his language right now, and he loves it.

“You make a good point, pet,” he says. “I’ll allow you to sleep with the doors open tonight. But, be aware that the chip you’ve got in you will transmit your location every few minutes. There is no running from me now.”

“I understand,” I say, even as I try not to freak the fuck out right to his face. I have made myself a captive to this billionaire. I am a toy for him now, nothing more than something to play with. There’s no escape. There’s nothing besides doing what he wants.

“I will need to go out and see friends and things, though,” I say. “I can’t be your kinky prisoner all the time. People need me for things.”

“Hm,” he says, as if that had not occurred to him. “Yes. I suppose people will need you for things. Don’t worry, pet. I am not an unreasonable man.”

He is absolutely a wildly unreasonable man, and that is unfortunately a large part of my attraction to him. Nobody has ever treated me this way before. Nobody had the capacity to. This experience is entirely unique.

“Shower and bed,” he says. “Unless you want to sleep with my come drying on your tender skin.”