Page 53 of Gossip Game

They found everyone in the family room solemnly staring at the screen of the television mounted on the wall above the fireplace. A fission of unease raced up Charlotte’s spine when video of her and Noah at Friday’s football game flashed onto the screen.

“And there you have it, irrevocable proof that these two are still a couple. It’s always nice to prove you wrong, Bucky,” the chirpy blonde who co-anchored the sports network’s Sunday pre-game show announced.

The woman’s tone had Charlotte wondering if she may have been cornered by Bucky at one point. Bile rose in her throat when the camera cut to Bucky Kincaid’s smug grin. Had he always looked so threatening?

“Dude,” Chris said. “Did the people in make-up think he was shooting a horror flick?”

Now that she looked closely, Charlotte noticed one of Bucky’s bloodshot eyes had a nervous twitch to it this morning.

“Oh, Hannah,” Bucky drawled. “I know how much you love to get the better of me.” The bastard winked at the camera. “And I know when to admit I am wrong. It looks like the Blaze QB has, in fact, landed himself a princess.”

“Damn straight,” Chris yelled at the television.

“Yeah!” Maisy stood and threw a stuffed animal at the screen.

Alex pulled her daughter onto her lap before glaring at her husband over the child’s head.

“So, here’s my mea culpe, folks,” Bucky continued. “Congratulations, bruh. She’s all yours.”

“What the heck is this guy talking about?” Noah’s dad demanded. “What kind of apology is that?”

Bucky wasn’t finished. “Just between you and me, though, a word of advice.”

“He doesn’t need any advice from you,” Meemaw barked.

Charlotte had the sudden, eerie feeling she was watching a train wreck. One she was powerless to stop. As much as she wanted to walk away, she couldn’t make herself do it.

The camera zoomed in further, accentuating Bucky’s manic demeanor. “Keep in mind, Dudson, our princess is fickle.”

Noah’s hand on her back balled up into a fist at Bucky’s use of the word “our.”

“Sure, she may choose you now.” Bucky’s eyes grew more menacing. “But who is to say she won’t dump you the way she’s dumping her beloved Truly Yours?”

All the heads in the room swiveled to stare at Charlotte. Noah’s arm cinched around her waist, pulling her against him protectively.

“The Trulies are all boo-hooing right now.” Bucky mimed rubbing his eyes. “That’s right, your princess is selling you out for a quarterback. She’s anointing a new CEO and taking her—” Bucky made air quotes with his fingers "—Honest company public.”

Charlotte swayed so hard that she might have fallen had she not been leaning against Noah. “That’s not true. And he’s not supposed to know that.”

“Beware, Dudson, or you might find yourself tossed over, too.” Bucky held up a photo for the camera. “I’m sure this kid’s father didn’t enjoy it when it happened to him.”

The camera zoomed in on the photo of a very pregnant Charlotte sunbathing at Jay’s vineyard in California before the screen went dark.

“You have a baby, Aunt Charlie?” Maisy squeaked.

Alex covered her daughter’s mouth with her hand. “It’s shameful what they do with AI nowadays.”

A painful roaring began in Charlotte’s ears. She couldn’t seem to get enough air into her lungs. Everyone’s perplexed stares made her skin hot and prickly. She pulled away from Noah and bolted out the kitchen door.

Gulping in several deep breaths of fresh air, she racewalked as far away from the house as possible. A wooden swing swayed with the gentle breeze in the distance. It called to her like a beacon in the sea. A picnic table sat beside it. She headed that way, resting her back against the giant oak tree once she reached it. Slamming her eyes shut, she waited for her heart to stop knocking against her chest.

The sound of footsteps on the grass had her lifting her lids. Through the fringe of her lashes, she watched Noah approach. Just like he had that night in London, he wordlessly placed a bottle of water on the picnic table for her. He sat on top of the table, propping his feet on the bench, elbows resting on his knees, the picture of calm as he waited her out.

That was so Noah. He wasn’t going to solve this caveman style. He was going to let her have her say. It was one of the things she loved most about him. Her throat constricted painfully, hoping against hope that Bucky hadn’t blown it for her.

“That photo isn’t fake,” she began.

He remained quiet. The only tell that he heard her was the slight clenching of his fingers.