“Copy that. I was planning to check out the boats anyway.”
“Let me know if you find anything you like.”
Adam clicked off before Quinn got the chance to tell him she was more worried about finding something she didn’t like.
“Watch your step.” Agent Caracas was all business as they exited the gondola.
Sensing his tension, she slipped her arms through his.
“Relax and be vigilant. You Secret Service agents have the best eyes in the business. Rely on your instincts now.”
“Still don’t want to tell me what or, better yet, who we’re looking for?” he asked quietly.
“Honestly, I have no idea.” She patted his arm. “But I’m confident we’ll sort it out.”
They strolled the docks of the marina in silence, both on the alert for anything out of the ordinary. A cool breeze blew in off the river. Strings of patio lights illuminated the wooden walkway between the boat slips. She was relieved not to see people enjoying the evening from the deck of their boats. Too many eyes and even more potential collateral damage.
As they made their way along the last wharf where the Seas the Day was docked, Ben emerged from the aft deck.
Her stomach seized with worry. Caracas’s hold tightened on her arm.
“Behave,” she hissed.
Ben’s step faltered slightly at the sight of them arm-in-arm. A low growl escaped his throat. She was ready to whisper a few words of encouragement to Ben when they passed, but Caracas beat her to the punch.
“I’ve got her six,” he murmured. “Go take care of business.”
With a slight nod, Ben hurried on his way.
“Thank you.” She gave his arm another squeeze.
“Yeah, yeah,” the agent mumbled.
They reached the end of the wharf and turned around.
Her heart beat faster at the sound of Alexi’s Jet Skis roaring up to the pier. She tried to hurry their steps but Agent Caracas held her back.
“You’re not to be seen, remember?”
She sighed with frustration just as a familiar scent wafted under her nose. It took her a second to place it before realizing it was a men’s cologne. Exactly like the distinct one worn by her handler. She glanced furiously around her, but it was no use. The smell was already gone.
* * *
THE SIGHT OF Caracas with his paws all over Quinn sent Ben’s blood pressure skyrocketing north. The sight of Ronoff strolling along the pier as if he owned it nearly had his BP in orbit. He took a few deep breaths and fell into step twenty meters behind the Russian. Ronoff zigged and zagged his way around the crowds, twice bumping into people as he did so. Ben wondered if Ronoff was drunk. Or just odd. Like the guy walking beside him holding an umbrella on a clear evening.
When Ronoff arrived at the Capitol Wheel, one of his posse cut to the front. Those waiting in line for the last ride of the night began to shout at him in aggravation. Ben heard Adam’s distinctive chuckle as he walked past.
“We might just solve our problem with crowd sourcing,” Griffin’s voice came over the comm.
“Just be alert,” Adam replied. “It could be a diversion.”
The CAT member operating the Ferris wheel could have won an Academy Award for his performance. No way was he going to let Ronoff just waltz on board the VIP gondola without waiting in line. Not until the Russian body guard greased the skids with a handful of bills.
“Remind me to make sure Becker deposits that in the agency’s sunshine fund,” Adam quipped.
Ben’s face relaxed into a wry smile. No matter what went down in the next few minutes, his friends had his back. Quinn was safe with Caracas. The other agent might be a loudmouth asshole but he would put the mission first and protect her at any cost. And she could certainly protect herself against him.
“They’re letting him aboard,” Griff relayed.