Page 62 of Learning Curve

Thursday, October 31st


Julia and I cross the street on a half jog, and I adjust the tight corset of my vampire costume. I also try like hell to smooth the leather shorts over my butt so my ass cheeks aren’t hanging out, but my bread basket is two buns too full.

I had planned to wear something a little less risqué, but when Julia showed up at my dorm to get ready and saw my boring costume of jeans, a black tank, and cat ears, she pulled an extra costume out of her duffel and told me to put it on.

Refusal wasn’t an option. Julia can be bossy as hell when she wants to be. Her hips and ass are also a size smaller than mine, which is probably why I look so much like I’m on a Kardashian vacation right now.

Music pounds from inside the Alpha Pi house, the Fang Bang, as the genius frat bros have been calling it, in full swing. Black streamers and toilet paper litter the trees out front, and scary ghouls and goblins wander the dystopian sidewalk. People smoke and laugh and stumble over one another coming in and out of the house, but just outside the entrance doors of the big brownstone on Frat Row, a couple is arguing.

People coming out of the party laugh at them as they fall down the steps on their left, and for my part, I’m just glad I’m not part of the scene this time.

“I saw the texts, Davis! I saw the fucking texts!” the girl in a sexy Little Red Riding Hood costume screams into the face of the guy with a Solo cup in his hand and a face that’s reddened from the effects of whatever’s inside. “You cheated on me! With my sister!”

His eyes are a little lazy as he tries to focus on what she’s shouting. Which, honestly, adds a bit of comedy to the clown makeup that’s painted on his face. A giant smile in the shade of blood red doesn’t budge when he says, “Babe. Calm down.”

“Do not babe me, you motherfucker!” Sexy Little Red cries, tears streaming down her cheeks. “You fucked my sister, you piece of shit!”

She sprints away from him, and he tries with all his might to follow, but the big orange clown shoes on his feet make him waddle instead of run.

Julia and I exchange wide, unfamiliar eyes. She’s wearing cat-style contacts to go with her Catwoman costume, and I’ve got irises the color of blood a la a hungry Cullen.

Her mom went the full mile on these costumes, evidently going so far as to consult a Broadway costume designer before dropping them off at Julia’s room this morning along with a basket of assorted muffins, pastries, and fresh fruit.

When some of the other girls in Delaney saw it, they all commented on how nice it must be to be that rich. All I could think was how nice it must be to have a mom who cares so much.

“You think it’s less dramatic inside? Or more?”

“Girl, I’m hoping the whole night is like this. It’s very vintage Jerry Springer with a haunted twist.” She laughs and wraps her arm around my shoulders as we scale the stairs once occupied by Red Riding Hood and her clown. “Let’s go see if Kayla’s here yet.”

A guy in a ninja outfit pulls open the door as I’m pushing it, standing back to hold it open for Julia and me when he sees us. His eyes linger on all our exposed skin, and I find myself dancing in a side step to point the cheeks of my ass in the other direction.

Julia notices and laughs. “You look fucking hot, Scottie. Own it.” I shake my head, and she laughs again. “Well, then I hate to break it to you, but all you did by turning was show your ass to Finn Hayes instead of ninja boy.”

“What?” My head whips around in shock. Finn is standing near the staircase, chatting with Ace and Blake, his face the most relaxed I’ve seen it, maybe ever, not looking sick at all. When he wasn’t in English this morning, I assumed he was under the weather and had all but abandoned the idea that he would be here tonight. In fact, I was kind of counting on it since the journal entry I stole is still in my room, tucked away in the drawer where I keep my extra notebook paper, and I haven’t had a chance to fess up to it yet. Seeing him here but knowing this isn’t even remotely the right place to do it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

I don’t want to lie to him.

Finn laughs and rolls his eyes at something Ace says, and I don’t miss his obvious lack of costume. His dark hair fans over his eyes in the most delectable James Dean kind of way, and he’s dressed in boots, jeans, and a black shirt that perfectly conforms to his muscles, as usual. In a sea of wizards and ghosts and ridiculous Harry Potters, he’s an attractive apple, ripe for the picking. Every girl in his vicinity watches him closely, waiting for an opportunity to catch his attention.

Me included.

“I thought you guys were never going to show up!” Kayla exclaims as she barrels into us in her cute purple fairy costume. She pulls both Julia and me into a giggling hug. “A girl from my chem class just found her boyfriend is cheating on her, and holy hell! It was total drama for a minute there.”

“Yeah, we saw her on our way in,” Julia comments through a smile. “Screaming at the Bozo—no pun intended.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s trying to chase her down 120th Street without falling over his clown shoes.”

“Not gonna lie, I kind of hope he eats pavement,” Kayla says, but then she leans forward and drops her voice to a whisper only Julia and I can hear. “By the way, Nadine and Dane are here. They’re both shit-faced, and I almost threw up in my mouth a little from the PDA.”

Both of them meet my eyes carefully, and I shrug. “It’s no big deal.”

“Scottie, if that bitch tries to start any shit with you, I’ll pull her fucking hair out,” Kayla states. “Promise.”

Kayla knows all too well the crap that Nadine Jones tosses my way on a daily basis at cheerleading practice. From tripping me on my way to get a drink of water to messing with my counts to try to get me to fuck up, she stops at nothing to make my life as uncomfortable as possible. The only saving grace is that her wrist is still sporting a cast from her drunken debacle at the Delta Omega house at the start of the year, and most days, she’s working with our physical therapist or sitting on the sidelines. In English, she keeps herself in check, but I think it’s because she’s afraid of setting Finn off.

“Nadine is still giving you a hard time?” Julia asks, suspicious. I know she’s thinking about the text message shit, but I really don’t think it can be her or Dane.