“What is this, Scottie?” Julia asks through a horrified gasp. When I turn around to look, my phone is in her hand.
My shoulders tense as Julia walks toward me, concern swimming in her eyes. I take the phone from her outstretched hand and read the message to myself.
Hey, skank. Did you know that your ex-boyfriend was cheating on you the whole time you were together?
It’s a fucked-up message, but I’m just glad it’s not about my mom. Unfortunately, another message pops up on the screen while Julia’s still right there.
I’m going to celebrate the day you finally get what you deserve.
“What the hell? What unimaginable asshole would send you something like this?” she questions, and a sigh leaves my lungs.
“I don’t know. It’s always an unknown number.” I shrug and make a point to clear the notifications off the screen and shove my phone in my jeans pocket.
“Wait…you’ve gotten more of these?”
“It’s no big deal.”
Julia frowns. “Scottie, it feels like a big deal. This is legit harassment.”
“Well, I did try to block the number once, but they just started using a new one.”
“You think you should take this to the campus police?”
“Hell no.” I laugh, horrified. “It’s not that serious.”
She’s not convinced. A huge frown mars the usually perfect skin between her eyebrows. “It kind of feels that serious, Scottie.”
“It’s fine,” I say and force a confident smile that I’m not even remotely feeling to my lips. “Plus, we don’t have time to go to the campus police tonight.” I check the clock and feel my stomach tense on itself when I realize we need to leave soon for Double C. “It’s almost ten. Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” Julia replies, running to the bathroom, yanking the plug out of the wall, and combing her fingers through her curls as she steps back into the room with me. “How do I look?”
I smile, and this time, it takes no effort. “Beautiful, as always. I’ve never seen you look anything short of perfect, though.”
Julia smiles. “Look who’s talking.”
“I literally just stopped bleeding all over the place. And you can still see some of the bruising under my eyes.”
“You look gorgeous, girl. Promise.”
I glance at myself in the mirror and will myself to see what Julia is seeing. To be a confident, badass bitch tonight who doesn’t need Finn Hayes or anyone else to notice her.
I need the bravado, even if I’m faking more than half of it.
“All right, let’s go. Before we’re late and we miss the whole damn thing.”
Julia’s eyes widen as I grab her hand and drag her, but she catches on quickly, snagging her tiny purse from my desk on the way by and jogging to keep up with me as my door slams behind us. I’ve opted to go bagless, just shoving some cash, my ID, and a lipstick in my pocket.
We laugh all the way down the stairs, passing Carrie at the front door of Delaney Place and pausing for a brief cordial exchange.
As soon as we start walking, I glance at my phone for the time—10:05.
The entrance to the Gyger Tunnel is under the football field and at least seven minutes away if we speedwalk.
“Come on. We have to hustle,” I command, pulling Julia’s hand again. She laughs but complies, and her phone chimes in her hand.
To her credit, she reads it and walks at the same time. “Ace says they’re almost there.”