“Really,” I say again, willing myself to be more convincing. “I’m fine. It’s no big deal. Everyone’s just had too much to drink.”
“Not everyone,” Blake corrects, staring daggers at Dane. Nadine is still hysterical, while Kayla and Tonya try to do damage control.
“You don’t seem drunk at all,” Finn asserts, and I roll my lips into my mouth before explaining. It shouldn’t be embarrassing to be sober, but under the immense pressure of college eyes to “be cool,” it is.
“We’re not supposed to drink during the competition season, and I can’t jeopardize my scholarship.” I also have a lifetime of dealing with a drunk mother that’s tainted my view of alcohol, but that’s not the kind of thing I share with strangers.
Blake nods. “I’m not drinking either.”
“You’re not?” I ask, my voice a little relieved, even to my own ears.
He shakes his head. “Of course not. Coach would kick my ass.”
“Pussies,” Dane taunts, having overheard the conversation despite Ace Kelly actively talking to him to keep him busy. “It’s just a little booze. It’s no big deal.”
“It is a big deal,” Blake Boden challenges. “We’ve got one girl hurt and one who you practically yanked in half. It’s time to cool it.”
“Fuck off, Boden.”
I blush at how freaking embarrassing he’s being, and I shove through Tonya, Kayla, and Nadine to grab Dane’s hand. “Come on. It’s late anyway, and you have practice tomorrow morning. Let’s go sleep it off.”
Dane turns cocky then, trying to save face. “Come on, baby. You know we aren’t gonna sleep if you put me in a bed.”
“Dane!” I snap, really over his shit tonight. He’s lying to make himself look good, and I hate it. This is not the guy I’ve been with for the last two years. We haven’t even had sex because I’m not ready, but again, none of this is the kind of stuff we need to be telling strangers.
“All right, all right. Fuck. Les go, then.” It’s a slur of compliance, but compliance, nonetheless.
I glance back to Finn and Blake, mouthing an apology. Blake smiles and gives me a salute, but Finn stares me down so hard—his eyes an intense mix of concern and confusion—that I end up bumping into Dane. He laughs. “I may be drunk, but you’re the fuckin’ klutz,” he taunts.
“Dane, stop.”
“You fuckin’ stop, Scottie. You’re not my mom.” Dane is in my face now, the smell of booze emanating from his every pore and stinging my nostrils. “I wish you’d get the giant stick out of your ass and try to have some fucking fun.”
This is not the Dane I loved. Not the Dane I knew. This is not the Dane I owe my loyalty to. I am done with a capital D. If he wants to be a total dick to me, then the last thing I’m going to do is help him.
“You know what?” I shove him away from me. “Find your own way to bed.”
“Don’t be a bitch,” Dane sneers.
“Hey!” Finn says then, completely startling me by being right there. Blake and Ace are both behind him. “All she’s done is take care of you tonight, so maybe you should treat her with a little more respect.”
“Fuck that!” Dane declares in front of the entire party full of people, his voice loud and unmistakable. “If she wanted to take care of me, she’d actually let me fuck her. Two years with this bitch and the best I can get is a fuckin’ hand on my cock.”
“Wow.” Nadine starts cracking up. “That’s pathetic.”
Deep, overwhelming embarrassment runs through my entire body as Nadine continues to cackle uncontrollably while several others laugh. Tears threaten in the corners of my eyes, and the urge to get the hell out of here is overwhelming.
Julia and Kayla look on sympathetically, but I don’t dare look at anyone else. I can’t. I am mortified.
Scottie takes off at a run, through the living room and toward the back of the house. I look on, everything inside me wanting to chase after her but knowing I shouldn’t. For the sake of her embarrassment, and because of everything I know about myself, she’s better off without me. Kayla and Julia head in that direction instead, while I look on, my spine rooted so straight, my jaw aches.
Nadine takes over coddling Dane, her whining about her fucked-up wrist playing supporting actress to telling him how amazing he is, and the two of them toddle off together out the front door.
Blake is the first to say something to ease the tension after their exit. “I fucking hate that guy.”
“Dude,” Ace comments on a laugh. “He’s the worst.”