Page 131 of Learning Curve

“He’s on his way up,” I update Kayla, and she already has her pillow and favorite fleece blanket in her arms. “Is Tonya ready to sneak you into her room?”

“Yes, but let me be the first one to tell you that you owe me. Big-time.”

“I know! I know!” I close the distance between us to wrap her into a tight hug. “I’ll do anything you want, I swear. And if Coach Jordan or any of the other coaches finds out about this, I will make sure you’re not involved.”

She groans. “Good grief, Scottie. You better not get caught.”

“I won’t. I promise.”

“Wait…you’re not a screamer, are you?”

“Kayla!” I blurt out in shock. And my face has to be as red as a damn tomato.

“Ha! You are too cute for words, Scottie,” she comments through a laugh and gives me another hug. “And I’m just screwing with you, girl. I’m more than happy to sacrifice myself and my sanity to spend the evening listening to Tonya bitch about her ankle while stuffing candy in her face so you can get your freak on with your boyfriend.”

Tonya rolled her ankle during prelims, and Coach Jordan and Darrell, our team’s physical therapist, have instructed her to take it easy and rest it for finals on Friday. Fingers and toes and everything crossed she can pull through.

Kayla starts to walk toward the door, but she stops briefly to say, “Next Nationals, if I have a boyfriend, your ass is going to be the one rooming with Tonya. I don’t care if you and Finn are married by then.”

What the hell is with everyone saying crazy shit to me about weddings?

“Get real, Kay. I’m a little young for marriage.”

“Says the girl who is basically living with her boyfriend at this point,” she retorts on a whisper as she discreetly opens the door. “That man is always at your dorm these days.”

She’s not wrong. But that doesn’t mean I’m ready to say “I do” anytime soon.

Five years down the road, however? That’s a different story.

Kayla offers a little wave over her shoulder as she quickly sprints down the hallway to Tonya’s room. I just barely make out the click of Tonya’s door as it latches shut. Instantly, I pull my phone out of the drawstring of my favorite sweats and send Finn a text.

Me: Coast is clear, but, like, move your ass.

He doesn’t respond, but in a matter of seconds, I see his face appear around the corner. He smiles at me like a man who can’t believe I’ve talked him into illegally sneaking into my hotel room. But he also keeps walking toward me.

Once he reaches my hotel room, I all but shove him inside and close the door so gently that you’d have to have the ears of an bat to hear it.

I turn around to find Finn sitting on my bed, and I don’t hesitate to run across the carpeted floor to dive-bomb myself on top of him.

He laughs, but he also wraps his arms around my body and holds me tightly to his chest. “Excited to see me?”

“You have no idea,” I say through a giggle and straddle his hips. I push his back down onto the bed and sit up straight on top of him. “All that talk about…licking…hasn’t left my mind.”

“Ohhh, so you brought me here with ulterior motives.” He squeezes my ass with both hands, and I feign confusion with a tap of my index finger to my chin.

“I wouldn’t say that. I mean, I thought it was pretty clear why I wanted you to come up.”

“I’ll be honest, Scottie, I thought you wanted to cuddle and shit. I didn’t realize you’re a horny little minx who snuck me into her hotel room so I can put my mouth on her pussy.”

“But, like, I figured we could cuddle. After.”

He cracks up at that. And then, he flips me onto my back so that his big, muscular body is hovering over mine. “I don’t know if it’s safe, Scottie.”

“Why not?” I ask as he moves down my body. He slides his fingers beneath the waistband of my sweatpants and pulls them—and my panties—off with a swift tug.

“I fear that once I taste you…” His eyes are on me now, right there, where I’m already wet and aching for him. “I won’t be able to stop.”

A little moan escapes my lips, and he rests his chin on my pubic bone to lock his gaze with mine. “You want to come on my tongue?”