Page 127 of Learning Curve

Wednesday April 9th


Scottie: Are you awake?

I glance at the clock and see it’s only a little after six in the morning. Ace is sound asleep in his bed, and the room is completely dark because the sun hasn’t even attempted to peek above the horizon.

I scrub a hand down my face and adjust my pillows to rest my back against my headboard.

Scottie left yesterday morning for NCA Nationals in Daytona Beach, Florida. And today is the preliminary round. They are due to step on the mat at three o’clock this afternoon.

Me: I am now. LOL.

Scottie: Ugh. I’m sorry I woke you up. I’m just so nervous, Finn.

Me: I’m glad you woke me up.

Scottie: You’re such a liar. No one would be happy to get woken up at six in the morning in the middle of spring break.

Me: Scottie, I know, in the past, I’ve given you quite the load of bullshit. But I promise you, I will never ever lie to you. Which is why I’ll tell you now that you’re right. I’m tired.

I send a tongue-out crazy emoji so she knows I’m joking.

Scottie: LOL

Me: BUT I’m also happy you woke me up. I wish I were there with you to tell you in person, but since I’m not, I’ll tell you here. You are READY for this competition. Your team IS ready.

Scottie: I’ve never been a part of something this big, though. It’s terrifying.

Me: All valid feelings. But use that nervous energy to your advantage.

Scottie: Okay. Yeah. I know you’re right.

My girl is all up in her nervous feels, and I know exactly what I need to do—give a little fun distraction.

Me: Of course I am, Cheerleader Girl. And I’ll be here to lick your pussy when you come home with the trophy.

Scottie: OMG. FINN.

I know her cheeks are full-on pink at this point, but I also know her perfect little pussy is probably a little wet too. I fucking love it.

Me: Hours, Scottie. I’m going to lick you for hours.

Scottie. FINNNNNNNNNN. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. I can’t compete when I’m horny.

Me: Maybe you should touch my pussy for a little bit, then. I’ll loan it to you since it’s on your body and all. Just enough to take the edge off.

Scottie: You are a bad, bad man.

Me: You bring out the best in me.

Scottie: LOL. You mean I bring out the beast in you.

Me: Same thing. ;)

Scottie: Love you so much. Thank you for knowing exactly what I needed.

Me: Love you too.